Cards (7)

  • Quasiexperimental design
    Experiments that are not completely scientific but necessary to do in that way, usually because of ethical or practical reasons (e.g. a study showing the results of head injuries on peoples' lives can't randomly give experimental group brain damage)
  • Phineas Gage
    One of the most famous neuroscience case studies of a rail worker who got a pole shoved through his head and had major personality changes
  • Contralateral organization

    When your left hemisphere is in charge of the right side of your body, and vice versa. A distinguishing feature of the vertebrate brain
  • Localization theory

    Idea proposed by Paul Broca that specific areas of the brain were in charge of specific functions
  • Distributive processing theory

    Suggests that for more complex behaviors, multiple sections of the brain have to be activated
  • Cognition
    The act of generating knowledge though thoughts, memories, and senses
  • Emergence
    Idea that the whole of the brain is greater than the sum of its isolated parts