Cards (8)

  • Polymers are long molecules made from lots of repeating units called monomers.
    Lots of monomers join up to make a polymer in a polymerisation reaction
    • protein ---> amino acids
    • starch ---> glucose monomers
    • DNA ---> nucleotides
  • Addition Polymerisation - formation of long chain molecules from a small molecule (alkene monomer) joining together with no other product
  • Condensation Polymerisation - formation of long chain molecules joining together with a small molecule (water) released
  • Polymerisation requires a high pressure and catalyst.
    Monomers are unsaturated molecules (double bond) while polymers are saturated (single bond)
  • Polyesters form in a reaction between two monomer molecules:
    • one molecule containing two carboxylic acid groups
    • one molecule containing two alcohol groups
    When these two react together, an ester link is formed between one alcohol and one carboxylic acid group (water ejected as a by product).
  • Many polymers are made from the products of carbon long hydrocarbon molecules so many are non-recyclable and non-biodegradable:
    • build up in landfill sites and take up valuable space
    • burnt to generate energy but contributes to climate change
  • Some polymers can be recycled but they need to be separated before being melted down which is difficult
  • Recycling Polymers:
    • can make profit as recycled materials are resold (advantage)
    • reduces space taken up in landfill sites (advantage)
    • conserves natural resources (advantage)
    • often have different strains which are difficult to recycle (disadvantage)
    • can act as an energy source (advantage)
    • versatility and strength reduces over time due to contamination (disadvantage)
    • lots of time and money spent (disadvantage)