Moments, levers and gears

Cards (16)

  • Moment
    The turning effect of a force
  • Moment force
    Force x Distance (Perpendicular to)
  • Pivot
    A point which something can turn around
  • Lever
    A bar or rod pivoted at a fixed hinge
  • Parts of a lever
    • Effort
    • Pivot
    • Load
  • Mechanical advantage
    Less force is required to move the load
  • The longer the lever and further the effort acts from the pivot, the easier it is to move the load
  • Gears
    • Can be used to increase/decrease the rotational speed and torque of a mechanical system
  • Input gear
    The gear that is being turned by an external force
  • Output gear
    The gear that is turning the system
  • Torque
    A measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis
  • Rotational speed
    The number of rotations an object makes in a given time
  • Rotational inertia
    The resistance of an object to changes in its rotation
  • Friction
    The force that resists the motion of one surface relative to another
  • Principle of Moments
    When a system is balanced, the sum of the anticlockwise moments equals the sum of the clockwise moments about a pivot
  • Moments are measured in newton-meters (Nm)