Descriptive research measures variables as they exist. Doesn’t explain relationships between them. Only reports on variables themselves to define them
What is the typical number of text messages received a day?
Descriptive research
What is the average number of hours slept a day?
Descriptive research
What % of students voted in presidential election?
Descriptive research
Descriptive research typically uses descriptive statistics: percents,mean, range.
Correlation is a measure of relationship between variables. Doesn’t explain the relationship or cause and effect, only examines strength and direction of relationship
Is there a relationship between sunlight and depression?
Is there an association between exercise and depression?
Is there a link between genetics and depression?
Time of sunlight and levels of depression?
Pearson’s r (correlation)
Time of sunlight and having depression (yes/no)?
Pointbiserial (one continuous and one dichotomous)
Sunlight exposure (yes/no) and level of depression?
Point biserial
Sunlight exposure (yes/no) and having depression (yes/no)?
Phi (two dichotomous)
Point biserial is one dichotomous (yes/no) and one continuous (miles)
two dichotomous variables?
Experimental research: cause an effect relationship by random assignment, manipulating one or more variables to see how it affects the dependent variable.
Testing the effect of exercise v. no exercise on cholesterol?
Testing effect of studying with music v. without music on test performance?
Testing effect of caffeine v. no caffeine on heart rate?
Wuasi-experimental: cause and effect relationship and limits threats to internal validity but lacks random assignment
Without random assignment, administer smoking cessation therapy to one group of smokers and not another group, then compare cessation rates?
Without random assignment, implement an after school program in one school and not another school then compare grades?
difference between experimental and quasi is that quasi doesn’t have random assignment
nonexperimental research determines if relationship exists by comparing different groups of scores but it doesn’t attempt to minimize internal validity threats or explain the relationship
Is there a difference in verbal skills between men and women?
Is there a different in math skills between left and right-handers?
Is there a difference in long term memory between cats and dogs?
Nonexperimental and correlational research have same goal: to determine if a relationship exists and both do not infer causation
A difference between groups in nonexperimental design indicates a relationship between variables
nonexperimental design doesn’t try to explain a relationship, just like correlational and descriptive
descriptive research examines individual variables instead of relationships between variables
correlational research examines for relationships between variables by measuring two or more variables for each participant
experimental, quasi-experimental, and nonexperimental examine for relationships between variables by comparing two or more groups of scores
between subjects design: participants are randomly assigned to a condition of the experiment and are not exposed to the other conditions (participants only receive one condition)
within subjects design: participants are exposed to multiple conditions or all conditions at different times
comparing SAT math scores between physics and chemistry majors with an independent samples t test?
Between subjects design
comparing SAT math and reading scores in biology majors with a dependent samples t test?
Within samples design
Data that you analyze with a one-way ANOVA can be analyzed with independent-samples t test
One-waybetween subjects ANOVA test the effect of drug A on one group’s symptoms and deug B on another group’s symptoms
one way repeated measures ANOVA test the effect of drug A and B on one group’s symptoms