resource conservation and sustainable utilization

Cards (13)

  • conservation: is the act of protecting natural resources for current and future use
  • Sustainable use: the use of components of resources in a way and at a rate that doesn't lead to longterm decline of biological diversity
  • Terracing: constructing stair-like structures along hillsides which reduces soil erosion
  • Agroforestry: Is associating agriculture with forest development
  • Afforestation: planting trees in areas that have been clear for many years
  • Reforestation: replanting trees in an area that has been cleared of trees.
  • Windbreaks and shelter belt plantation: Provide protection from prevailing winds by planting trees
  • check dams: are small ditches that are prepared along sloppy areas to reduce the impact of the down slope surface flow.
  • strip cultivation: is planting two or more types of crops on the same farm, using a pattern of stripes of alternating crops.
  • Contour ploughing: is the farming practice of plowing and/or planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines.
  • Crop rotation: Planting d/t crops alternately on a farm
  • Mulching: is covering the soil with plant residue to let the soil regain some nutrients as the residue decays.
  • Fallowing: leaving the farm idle for a while until the soil regains its fertility