
Subdecks (1)

Cards (16)

  • Dynamic equilibrium: a balance between 2 opposite processes occuring at the same rate. reactions that go both ways
  • Conditions that must be met for eq:
    • Macroscopic (observable) properties are constant
    • ie: pH, temp., color, etc
    • Closed system - E exchanged, not matter
    • gas reaction must have a lid
    • Rate of forward and reverse reactions are the same
  • products favored:
    • products are mostly made
    • Kc > 1
    • > 50%
  • reactant favored:
    • reactants are mostly made
    • Kc < 1
    • < 50%
  • products are equal to reactants:
    • = 50 %
    • Kc = 1
  • equilibrium must be both:
    1. a reversable process (reaction)
    2. closed system (exchange of energy only)
  • I - initial concentration
    C - change in concentration
    E - equilibrium
  • Kc = equilibrium constant
    • a constant value provided by a mathematical relationship over a range of concentrations at a specific temperature
  • is temperature is changes, Kc is changes
  • Equilibrium law expression:
    • in a chemical equilibrium there is a constant ratio between the concentration of the products and the concentration of the reactants
    • ex:
    Kc = ------------
  • solids and liquids are pure substances with fixed concentrations, therefore do not include them in the Kc expression, only aq and g
  • Kc↑ = product favored
  • Kc↓= reactant favored