13.1 – 13.4: Shifting Equilibria and Calculations

Cards (15)

  • How do you know which direction to reach the equilibrium of the reaction
    Compare Q to K
  • If Q < k, that means...
    move forwards to products
  • If q = k, that means...
    At equilibrium
  • If Q > k, that means...
    Move backwards to reactants
  • Large K = 

    products are favored
  • Small k =
    reactants are favored
  • What is Le Chatelier's Principle?
    If a system at equilibrium is subjected to stress, the position of the equilibrium will shift to relieve the stress
  • Increase the amounts of reactants (Q<k) is shifted towards...
  • Increase the amount of products (Q>k) is shifted towards...
  • In exothermic rxns: How is temperature impacted...
    Temp goes up, shifts towards reactants (left)
  • In endothermic rxns: Temp goes up which means...
    Shifts right to products
  • In endothermic rxns: Temp goes down which means...
    shift left to reactants
  • Are gas phase reactions impacted by total pressure?
  • Increasing pressure drives RXN to side with...
    fewer moles of gas
  • What does RICE stand for in chemistry
    reaction, initial conditions, change, equilibrium