1. Saliva from salivary gland mixed with food during chewing, has salivary amylase- hydrolyse starch in food to maltose, and mineral salt (maintains pH)
2. Food swallowed enters stomach (acidic conditions) denatures amylase to prevent further hydrolysis of starch
3. Food enters small intestine
4. Mixes with pancreatic juices, contains pancreatic amylase, hydrolysis of starch to maltose continue, alkaline salts produced by intestinal wall and pancreas maintains pH around neutral so amylase can function
5. Intestinal wall push food along ileum, epithelial lining produce disaccharidase maltase released in epithelial lining if ileum (membrane bound enzyme)
6. Maltase hydrolyse maltose from starch into alpha- glucose
7. Other disaccharides are also digested by enzymes: sucrase: hydrolyse glycosidic bond in sucrose, produce glucose and fructose
8. Lactase: hydrolyse glycosidic bond in lactose, produce glucose and galactose