The Tempest: 'I have with such provision in mine art So safely ordered that there is no soul— No, not so much perdition as an hair, Betid to any creature in the vessel Which thou heard’st cry, which thou saw’st sink.'
The Tempest: 'Thy false created The creatures that were mine...set all hearts i'th'state To what tune pleased his ear, that now he was The ivy which had hid my princely trunk, And sucked my verdure out on't...'
The Tempest: '… in my false brother Awaked an evil nature, and my trust, Like a good parent, did beget of him A falsehood in its contrary as great As my trust was, which had indeed no limit, A confidence sans bound.'
The Tempest: 'So dry he was for sway, wi’ th’ King of Naples To give him annual tribute, do him homage, Subject his coronet to his crown, and bend The dukedom, yet unbowed—alas, poor Milan!— To most ignoble stooping.'
The Tempest: 'Here in this island we arrived, and here Have I, thy schoolmaster, made thee more profit Than other princes can, that have more time For vainer hours and tutors not so careful.'
The Tempest: 'I find my zenith doth depend upon A most auspicious star, whose influence If now I court not, but omit, my fortunes Will ever after droop.'
The Tempest: 'All hail, great master! Grave sir, hail! I come To answer thy best pleasure. Be ’t to fly, To swim, to dive into the fire, to ride On the curled clouds, to thy strong bidding task Ariel and all his quality.'
The Tempest: 'The fire and cracks Of sulfurous roaring the most mighty Neptune Seem to besiege and make his bold waves tremble, Yea, his dread trident shake.'
The Tempest: 'Safely in harbour Is the King’s ship. In the deep nook, where once Thou called’st me up at midnight to fetch dew From the still-vexed Bermoothes, there she’s hid;'