Controls the storage of data's about individuals. Makes a data controller responsible for the accurate and security of data kept by and organisation .
Data processed fairly and lawfully
Data shouldn't be kept longerthanessential
Data should be accurate and up to date
Data should only be used for the purpose in which collected for
Data isn't transferred out the EU without the right protection and securitymesures.
Data isn't transferredout the EU without the rightprotection and security measures.
Ensure only relevant data are kept about people
Computer misuse Act 1990
Designed to prevent unauthorised access (hacking)
Recognisable offence;
Unauthorised access to material
Intent to commit/ Facilitate crime
Unauthorised access to modification of material
Supplying and obtaining anything in computer misuse Act offence
Copyright design and patent act 1988
Protects creators book, music , audio from being used by making it illegal to copy or commercially distribute softwarewithout buying or gettingappropriate software copyright.
Illegal actions ;
Passing a copy to friend or family
Making a selfcopy and selling copy
Using the software on networkwithout licence
Prevention method;
Unique key that comes with buying the software , and before download
A CD in drive
A dongleplugged into a USB
An algorithm cannot be protected .
Regulation of investigatory power Act (2000)
Regulates power of public body to carry out Investigationandinterception of communication , introduced to the account of technology growth, internet and strong encryption.
Act enables;
Enables certain bodies to demand that LSP provides access to customer communciation in secret
Enables mass surveillance of communication in transit
Enables certain body demands LSP fit equipment to facilitate surveillance
Enables certain body hands over to protected information
Prevents existence of interception warrant and data collected revealed in court
Measures of Data Protection act 1988 for privacy
Customer has the right to see the data and to ask for it to be corrected if wrong
Data must be lawfully collected
Data can only be accessed by/changed by authorised people so that malicious alterations are not made
Authorised people must be notified to the DPR so that they are accountable
Data collected should not be excessive so that irrelevant data is not stored
Data should be accurate and up to date so that customers are not held responsible for goods they have not bought
Data should not be kept longer than necessary so that customers can leave an organisation
Data should be protected by adequate security measures so that people with malicious intent cannot gain access
Data should not be transferred out of the EU so that data remains subject to DPA