
Cards (8)

  • Data Protection Act 1988
    Controls the storage of data's about individuals. Makes a data controller responsible for the accurate and security of data kept by and organisation .

    • Data processed fairly and lawfully
    • Data shouldn't be kept longer than essential
    • Data should be accurate and up to date
    • Data should only be used for the purpose in which collected for
    • Data isn't transferred out the EU without the right protection and security mesures.
    • Data isn't transferred out the EU without the right protection and security measures.
    • Ensure only relevant data are kept about people
  • Computer misuse Act 1990
    Designed to prevent unauthorised access (hacking)
    Recognisable offence;
    • Unauthorised access to material
    • Intent to commit/ Facilitate crime
    • Unauthorised access to modification of material
    • Supplying and obtaining anything in computer misuse Act offence
  • Copyright design and patent act 1988
    Protects creators book, music , audio from being used by making it illegal to copy or commercially distribute software without buying or getting appropriate software copyright.
    Illegal actions ;
    • Passing a copy to friend or family
    • Making a self copy and selling copy
    • Using the software on network without licence
    Prevention method;

    • Unique key that comes with buying the software , and before download
    • A CD in drive
    • A dongle plugged into a USB
    An algorithm cannot be protected .
  • Regulation of investigatory power Act (2000)
    Regulates power of public body to carry out Investigation and interception of communication , introduced to the account of technology growth, internet and strong encryption.

    Act enables;
    • Enables certain bodies to demand that LSP provides access to customer communciation in secret
    • Enables mass surveillance of communication in transit
    • Enables certain body demands LSP fit equipment to facilitate surveillance
    • Enables certain body hands over to protected information
    • Prevents existence of interception warrant and data collected revealed in court
  • Measures of Data Protection act 1988 for privacy
    • Customer has the right to see the data and to ask for it to be corrected if wrong
    • Data must be lawfully collected
    • Data can only be accessed by/changed by authorised people so that malicious alterations are not made
    • Authorised people must be notified to the DPR so that they are accountable
    • Data collected should not be excessive so that irrelevant data is not stored
    • Data should be accurate and up to date so that customers are not held responsible for goods they have not bought
    • Data should not be kept longer than necessary so that customers can leave an organisation
    • Data should be protected by adequate security measures so that people with malicious intent cannot gain access
    • Data should not be transferred out of the EU so that data remains subject to DPA
  • Computer changing the way people work, and impact on wellbeing (8 marks)
    • Computers have reduced the monotony of some jobs, work more challenging and rewarding.
    • Allow collaboration across the world
    • Bring in idea of strong IT skills, workers pressured to keep up with skills
    • Allowed flexible working such as working from home, may lead to people being isolated leading to depression
  • Computers being more portable ( 8 marks)
    • People are becoming more reliant on portable computer system
    • Instant access to data -Accessible anywhere
    • Signal orientation - problem for people with no technology knowledge
    • Social interaction apps make contacts more plentiful -No difficulty in contacting individuals or groups of individuals
    • Lead to cyber bullying
    • Loss of traditional means of communication .
  • Data protection steps
    • Passwords to gain access to system 
    • Passwords to access files 
    • Encryption of data 
    • Firewalls to restrict access to systems 
    • Physical measures to restrict access 
    • Proxy server to restrict users allowed access to individual machines on network from internet
    • Intrusion detection system to warn when uninvited access is attempted
    • Social engineering - keep people informed about benefit of safe passwords