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Version 2
Types of loops
Count-controlled (FOR) loops
Post-condition (REPEAT UNTIL) loops
Pre-condition (WHILE) loops
Index of symbols and keywords
Font style and size
Case and italics
Lines and numbering
Teachers should follow the guide in their teaching to help learners understand pseudocode presented in examination papers and pre-release materials more easily
Using a recommended style in pseudocode will enable candidates to communicate their solutions more effectively to the Examiner
Learners are not required to follow the guide in their examination answers or any other material presented for assessment
Pseudocode is not a programming language with a defined, mandatory syntax
Candidates will be given credit for pseudocode based on the logic of the solution presented
Pseudocode will be presented in a monospaced (fixed-width) font such as Courier New with consistent font size
Lines in pseudocode are indented by four spaces, with continuation lines indented by two spaces if needed
Keywords in pseudocode are in uppercase, identifiers are in mixed case, and meta-variables are enclosed in angled brackets
Descriptions in pseudocode are written in italics
Line numbers in pseudocode are presented to the left with sufficient space to indicate they are not part of the statements
Line numbers are consecutive unless skipped to indicate missing code
Each line representing a statement in pseudocode is numbered, even if a statement runs over one line
Comments in pseudocode are preceded by two forward slashes // and continue until the end of the line. For multi-line comments, each line is preceded by //
Variables, constants, and data types are essential in pseudocode
Atomic type names
INTEGER: A whole number
REAL: A number capable of containing a fractional part
CHAR: A single character
STRING: A sequence of zero or more characters
BOOLEAN: The logical values TRUE and FALSE
Literals of data types
Integers: Written as normal in the denary system, e.g. 5, -3
Real: Always written with at least one digit on either side of the decimal point, zeros being added if necessary, e.g. 4.7, 0.3, -4.0, 0.0
Char: A single character delimited by single quotes, e.g. 'x', 'C', '@'
String: Delimited by double quotes. A string may contain no characters (i.e. the empty string) e.g. "This is a string", ""
Boolean: TRUE, FALSE
Names given to variables, constants, procedures, and functions. Must be in mix case, start with a letter, and can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z) and digits (0-9)
The assignment operator is ←. Assignments should be made in the format: <identifier> ← <value>
Declaring arrays
Arrays are fixed-length structures of elements of identical data type, accessible by consecutive index numbers. Lower bound should be explicitly stated. One-dimensional arrays are declared as DECLARE <identifier> : ARRAY[<l>:<n>] OF <data type>
Using arrays
In main pseudocode statements, only one index value is used for each dimension in the square brackets
Allowed array assignment
mes[n+1] ← StudentNames[n]
SavedGame ← NoughtsAndCrosses
Statement should not refer to a group of array elements individually
Loop structure for assigning array elements individually
1. FOR Index = 1 TO 30
2. StudentNames[Index] ← ""
3. NEXT Index
Values are input using the INPUT command
Values are output using the OUTPUT command
Input and Output statements
INPUT Answer
OUTPUT "You have ", Lives, " lives left"
Standard arithmetic operator symbols are used: + (Addition), - (Subtraction), * (Multiplication), / (Division)
Resulting value of division operation should be of data type REAL, even if operands are integers
Logic operators used are AND, OR, and NOT
IF statements may or may not have an ELSE clause
IF statement without ELSE clause
IF <condition> THEN <statements> ENDIF
IF statement with ELSE clause
IF <condition> THEN <statements> ELSE <statements> ENDIF
Nested IF statements
IF ChallengerScore > ChampionScore THEN IF ChallengerScore > HighestScore THEN OUTPUT ChallengerName, " is champion and highest scorer" ELSE OUTPUT Player1Name, " is the new champion" ENDIF ELSE OUTPUT ChampionName, " is still the champion" IF ChampionScore > HighestScore THENOUTPUT ChampionName, " is also the highest scorer" ENDIF ENDIF