
Cards (34)

  • There are three parts to an atom it has a nucleus, electrons and protons
  • The nucleus is in the center of the atom and it has a neutral charge
  • the proton is in the center of the atom and it has a positive charge
  • the electron is orbitting around the center and it has a negtive charge
  • In an atom you have the same amount of electrons and protons
  • Same charges(positive and positive or negitive and negitive) will repel from each other
  • The larger the amount of charge and the closer the charges are,greater the forces attraction or repultion
  • Oppositely charged objects will attract to words each other such as positve and negiative
  • More charges can build up because of friction
  • Electorn transfere throught matrials that are metal conducters
  • The process of charging objects is called induction
  • Current is the amount of charge flowing per second
  • An ammeter is used to measure the current and the units current is measure in is amps or A
  • An ammeter is used to measure the current and the units current is measure in is amps or A
  • The potential diffrence or the voltage of the cell tells you the size of the force and how much energy is being transfered by the charges
  • P.d is measured in volts and you use a voltmeter to measure it
  • Ammeters should always be put in series however a voltmeter should always be in parralel
  • In a series circuit the amps never change but in a parrellel circuit the amps will be divide by the amount of diffrent routes it has
  • The current in a circuit is dependont on the voltage and resistance e.g. if the resistance is smaller then the current will be bigger
  • Metal materials contain a lot of free electorns but insulators contain fewer free electons
  • The more bulbs in a circuit the more resistance there will be
  • In parellel curcuits the amount of volts stay the same however in series circuits the volts are divided between the amount of appliances.
  • Magnetic materials : steel,nickel,cobalt and iron
  • Magnets have two poles : the north pole and the south pole. The north and south pole attract each other however the same poles repel
  • Magnetic force is a non contact force as it can go through materials such as paper
  • The magnetic field lines are used to show the way the current flows. The current always flows from north to south
  • The further from the magnet the field lines the weaker that they are
  • The magnetic field lines are used to show the way the current flows. The current always flows from north to south
  • You can make a piece of iron magnetic by strocking a magnet against it for a while
  • Ohms law is the way to find out either voltage, amps or resistance. The formula is V=I x R or Voltage= current x resistance
  • A steel core makes an electromagnet permanent
  • Adding more coils of wire makes the electromagnet stronger
  • An electromagnet's magnetic field is like the one found inside of a bar magnet
  • The more paper clips attract the stronger the electrogagnets field