Urban waste & disposal

Cards (15)

  • what happens to most municipal waste in London?
    sent to incineration
  • how much municipal waste sent to incineration in 2021
  • What is the UK avg for waste sent to incineration
  • how much waste was recyced in london in 2021
  • what happened to the remaining 6% of waste in london in 2021
    sent to landfill
  • give an example of an incinerator plant
    Belveder Incinerator in Bexley
  • How many tonnes of rubbish is processed in Belveder Incinerator ?
    670,000 tonnes is proceeses and enough energy produced to power 60k homes
  • give a Landfill example?
    Rainham, Landfill in Havering
    buries 1 million tonnes per year
  • who is the mayor of london
    Sadiq Kahn
  • what does Sadiq Kahn oppose?
    any new incinerators as he believes it discourages councils from improving recycling rates
  • By 2026....?

    no biodegradable or recyclable waste will be sent to landfill
  • by 2030...?
    65% of London's municipal waste will be recycled
  • what is London well below?
    the UK recycling average
    • especially POORER BOROUGHS eg Newham 20%
  • what is well known
    the link between poverty and recycling rates
  • what is the link between poverty and recycling rates likely due to
    lack of storage space for recycling bins
    high density housing
    lack of clear communication
    inability to prioritise recycling due to poverty