Rapid growth from the 1970's due to the rise of industries attracting migrants from all over India
Lack of space for housing has led to slums and vertical growth like sky scrapers
Wealthier people have moved to the suburbs of Mumbai which is relieved pressure from inner city services but has reduced green spaces and put more pressure on suburban services
Large industrial sector with industries such as textiles, finance and entertainment driving economic growth in the city which has led to the development of industrial areas like Dharavi
large informal economy such as street vending and waste recycling which has led to the development of informal settlements liek Dharavi which is one of the largest slums in Asia and a hub for the informal economy
Mumbai is an Alpha World City meaning it has significant cultural importance and economical importance like being home to the Bombay Stock Exchange and is home to Bollywood
The port of Mumbai is one of the busiest ports in the world and handles around 65% of Indias trade
industrialisation is an important pull factor for migrants all over India and improvements in transport and technology have made the city more accessible
more female empowerment has led to more women working outside of the home and lower birth rates
The density of population has increased steadily from 117 persons per km2 in 1951 to 324 persons per km2 in 2001.
Mumbai serves as an important economic hub of India, contributing 10% of all factory employment and 40% of India's foreign trade.