Over the 19th century, fearing the possible violence that had occurred in the French revolution of 1789, British governments gradually extended the franchise
Pressure groups important to securing women’s vote:
NUWSS (national union for women’s suffrage society
the fawcett society
Manchester Society for Women’s suffrage
WSPU (Women’s social and political union)
Modern campaigns for suffrage:
16 +17 year olds to vote
those under the Mental Health Act
peers serving in the House of Lords
For the voting age to be reduced to 16:
can already join the army, drive, consent, possibly pay tax and leave home
turnout is low
better informed due to spread of citizenship education
radicalism of youth can balance out the extreme conservatism of the elderly
The voters at 16 coalition, formed in 2003, secured a study of the aussie by the electoral commission
16-17 year olds took part in the Scottish Independence referendum in 2014.
In 2015 the Scottish parliament voted to allow 16-17 year olds to vote in its own elections
By the time of the 2015 general election all major parties except the conservatives were in favour of lowering the franchise age
16 and 17 year olds are now eligible to vote in Scottish parliamentary and local elections
Scottish gov have also announced prisoners serving a sentence of less than 12 months would get the right to vote on a temporary basis under new legislation
A petition calling for votes for prisoners was rejected by the government in 2018