Gradualism refers most broadly to a theory that changes of the Earth itself occur through gradual increments, and often that transitions between different states are more or less continual and slow rather than periodic and rapid.
streams whose courses are direct consequence of the initial topography are called consequentstreams.
Strike-slip fault also called transcurrent fault, wrench fault, or lateral fault, in geology, a fracture in the rocks of Earth’s crust in which the rock masses slip past one another parallel to the strike
Cuestas are asymmetric ridges with one long gentle slope generally coinciding with the dip of the resistant bed or beds
The accumulation of debris and/or biological accumulation are processes leading to aggradation
Axial plane- the plane that bisects the angle between the two limbs
Angle of plunge is the angle between the axis and a horizontal plane
Limbs- two sides of a fold
A syncline is a concave fold in which the younger layers are closer to the center. Synclines are typically a downward fold, pointing upwards.
An anticline is a fold that is convex up and has its oldest beds at its core.
A ravine is a type of gully characterized by its depth. How deep should a gully be to be considered as a ravine
Coulées known as a hybrid between a lava dome and a lavaflow
Physical/Mechanical Weathering takes place when rocks are broken down without any change in the chemical nature of the rocks. The rocks are essentially torn apart by physical force, rather than by chemical breakdown
Aggradation is the term used in geology for the increase in land elevation, typically in a river system, due to the deposition of sediment
Gelifluction is the seasonal freeze-thaw action upon water-logged top soils which induces downslope movement
Slump is a form of mass wasting that occurs when a coherent mass of loosely consolidated materials or rock layers moves a short distance downaslope
Talus a slope formed by an accumulationof brokenrock debris, as at the base of a cliff or other highplace.
In climatic zones where temperature and humidity are capable of sustaining organic life: biologic weathering does occur
In warm, humid climates : chemical and biologic weathering are predominant.
In cold and warm dry climatic conditions: physical weathering are prevalent
Gullies according to Soil Type associated with piping and is found particularly on loamy sands with columnar structure - frontal
SHEETWASH/SHEET EROSION- Is the uniform removal of soil in thin layers by the forces of raindrops and overland flow.- It involves the falling of raindropsandtheirmerging to form a near-continuous sheet whichmoves down hillslopes, gathering momentumandrepresenting an erosive force of highpotential.
slump a type of slide wherein downward rotation of rock or regolith occurs along a concave-upward curved surface (rotational slides)
Transportation is the movement of materials from their source area to a new location.
The process of removing material from one place and depositing it elsewhere is called transport.
RILLING - A small channel that forms as water flows across a slope during heavy rains. Rills can be temporary features formed when there is enough runoff to carry sediment but not enough to cut through the bedrock.
Deposition is the process whereby sedimentary material is laid down as a result of deposition by water, wind, ice, gravity, etc.
Oxbow Lake is a curved lake that has was originally a
bend in a river but became separated when the river
took a new, straighter course.
Sediments are solid particles that have been moved from their original position by some agent such as running water, glaciers, waves, or wind.
The coal furnace terminology for lapilli is cinders
Endogenic- internal processes powered by the
Earths internal heat, which produces tectonic
Intrusions (Volcanoes).
Inselberg is an isolated rock hill, knob, ridge, orsmall mountain from a gently slopingor virtuallylevel surrounding plain
Terracette is a type of landform, a ridge on a hillside formed when saturated soil particles expand, then contract as they dry, causing them to move slowly downhill forming step-like patterns along the slope
Aggradation is the term used in geology for the increase in land elevation, typically in a river system, due to the deposition of sediment
Rockfall is a fragment of rock (a block) detached by toppling, or falling, that drops along a vertical or sub-vertical cliff
Rockslide a usually rapid downward movement of rock fragments that slide over an inclined surface
Shield volcano is a volcano with a slope angle of around 2-10 degrees, constructed with solidified layers of basalt.
Creep is a slow downslope movement of particles that occurs on every slope covered with loose, weathered material.
Debris avlanche is formed when an unstable slope collapses and debris is transported away from the slope.
Debris slide is a mass of predominantly unconsolidated and incoherent soil and rock fragments that has slid or rolled rapidly down a steep slope