Lesson 1

Cards (28)

  • Physical Fitness is the ability of your body to carry out task without undue fatigue. With physically fit body, one can perform aspects in sports, occupations and daily activities.
  • Physical fitness is generally achieved through:
    • Proper nutrition
    • Moderate to vigorous physical exercises
    • Sufficient rest
  • Two classification of physical fitness (According to Scott Flynn)
    • Health-related fitness components
    • Skill-related fitness components
  • Are necessary in carrying out daily activities and only requires a minimal level of fitness.
    Health-related fitness components
  • Help develop optimal fitness. It do not directly affect a person’s health but most often associated in sports performance and skill development
    Skill-related Fitness components
  • Health-related components:
    1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
    2. Muscular Strength
    3. Muscular Endurance
    4. Flexibility
    5. Body Composition
  • The ability to carry out prolonged large muscle. This relates to your heart’s ability to pump blood and lung’s ability to take in oxygen.
    Cardiorespiratory Endurance
  • Is the ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to exert force over a single or maximal effort. The ability of a muscle to exert maximum force against resistance.
    Muscular Strength
  • Is the ability of a muscle or a group of muscles to exert force over a period of time with repetitions. The capacity of the muscle to exercise force continuously over time.
    Muscular Endurance
  • Is the ability to move your joints through a wide range of motion. The ability of a joint to move freely through its full range of motion.
  • Is the relative amount of fat mass in comparison with your total body mass. The fat and non-fat components of the human body, which are important in assessing, recommended body weight.
    Body Composition
  • Skill-related Fitness components:
    1. Agility
    2. Balance
    3. Coordination
    4. Power
    5. Speed
    6. Reaction time
  • It relates to the ability to rapidly change the position of the entire body in space with speed and accuracy. The capacity to rapidly and efficiently move and change the body’s direction and position while under control.
  • It is the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving. The power to stand upright or remain in control of body movements, whether stable or moving.
  • The ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in performing motor task smoothly and accurately. The ability to effectively and efficiently control two or more body parts.
  • The ability of to the rate at which one can perform work. It is a combination of speed and strength. The capacity to move rapidly across the ground or grab or throw the legs and arms instantly.
  • It relates to the ability to perform movement within a short period of time. The capacity to apply full power in as short a time as possible.
  • This relates to the elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of the reaction to it. The ability to respond rapidly to stimuli.
    Reaction Time
  • The foundational concept that we need to keep in mind:
    • F=Frequency
    • I=Intensity
    • T=Time
    • T=Type
  • Relates to how often exercises are performed over a period of time. “How often you do physical activity in a week?”
  • Is the degree of difficulty at which the exercise is carried out. “How hard you are working while performing the activity.”
  • This relate to the stress experienced during exercise. “How long you are doing the activities?”
  • Relates to the type or kind of exercise that you can manipulate to avoid overuse injuries or weight loss plateaus. “What type of activity you are doing?”
  • Principles of Exercise Training:
    • Principle of Overload
    • Principle of Progression
    • Principle of Specifity
    • Principle of Individuality
    • It is the most basic principle of exercise.
    • This principle states that the only way to gain health benefit through physical activity involvement is to place a higher demand on the body to exert more effort than it normally does.
    Principle of Overload
    • This explains that the level of the intensity of your exercise should be increased gradually.
    • When your body adapts to an increased demand (load), the activity becomes easier for you to perform; thus, you will be exerting less effort.
    Principle of Progression
    • The body will adapt specifically to the workload it experienced.
    • It implies that improvements in fitness level will be limited to the activities that one is performing.
    • The application of this principle is not only on the intensity at which is performed.
    Principle of Specifity
    • States that no two persons are the same and that their rate of adaptation to the-
    Principle of Individuality