1. Conflict- arises when parties have a difference in their needs and interests
2. Power- it is an unstabledynamic between the two parties and flows from the two parties
3. Transformation- this is where the conflicttransforms into something that can be named. E.g. naming, blaming, claiming
4. Grievance- a formalisedexpression of conflict that highlights a specificproblem or concern and seeks a formal pathway to address and potentially resolve it
5. Dispute- a grievance becomes a dispute when the conflict that has been manifesting and the grievance is not addressed properly
A process of communication and interaction between parties with different interests or positions, aimed at reaching a mutuallyacceptableagreement or resolving a dispute
Uses an independent 3rd party to assist, facilitatescommunication and negotiation between disputing parties to help them reach a mutuallyacceptableagreement
3rd party has a final determination of a dispute, parties in a dispute submit their case to a neutral third party, known as an arbitrator, who makes a bindingdecision on the issues in dispute
A watchdog or any independent person who facilitatesdisputes between parties in an industry or organisation, can either be appointed by statute to protect against administrativeinjustice or can be privatelyappointed
Involves the resolution ofdisputes between the state, organs of state and the public, done in terms of the principles in the constitution and the PAJA (Promotion ofAdministrative Justice Act)
Can be used as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, other dispute resolution mechanisms, a process by which two or more parties attempt to resolve their opposinginterested, basically obtaining what you want from others
Creating a conducive environment, that supports the physical environment and is also a suitable emotional environment
Listening carefully, as well as taking notice of the non-verbal clues given by the other party
Being emotionally neutral, as negative emotion reduce the ability of the negotiator to objectively identify the problems and possible solutions to a dispute
A skill used to recast a position in such a manner that it focuses the attention on solving the problem in such a ways that it satisfies the interest of both the parties, you can do this by askingwhy, whatif and asking for question, the purpose is to show an interest in understanding the other party in order to identify their concerns and interests
The most aggressive negotiation style, characterised by parties exertingpressure on each other by way of threats, bluffing, disinformation, and sometimes even disruptive behaviour, however it doesn't always have tobethatway