Earls were the most powerful lords, owned huge areas of land, ruled what were basically the old kingdoms, advised the king, raised men for the king's army, and protected the people in their lands
Thanes represented less than one percent of the population, were noble warriors who defended the king in return for land, and carried out local duties like guarding tax collectors and organizing fortification repairs
Charles represented about 10% of the population, owned their own small area of land, farmed, did not have to work for their lord every week, and all male charles had to serve in the army if needed
Peasants represented over 70% of the population, worked on their lord's land, farmed their own rented land, could be asked to fight for their lord in wartime, and had to work for their lord for up to three days a week
Slaves made up around 10% of the population, had no land, worked on their lord's land or in his house as servants, and were dictated every aspect of their life by their master
The earls competed against one another to be the king's favorite and the one that the king relied on the most so that the king would give them the most rewards and honor