Battle of Gate Fulford

Cards (30)

  • Edward the Confessor is dead
  • Edward the Confessor had no clear heir to the throne
  • Succession

    In this case, it usually means what comes next and who will be the next king
  • When the monarch dies
    The next living relative male or female takes over
  • Acceptable reasons to be an heir to the throne in Anglo-Saxon England
    • Being a blood relative, being chosen as the heir by a previous king, being accepted as a king by the English nobles
  • If you have the support of the English nobles, you have the strength to rule
  • Claimants to the throne in 1066
    • Harold Godwinson
    • Edgar Atheling
    • Harold Hardrada
    • William of Normandy
  • How kings were chosen in Anglo-Saxon England

    Based on being a blood relative, chosen by a previous king, accepted by English nobles
  • Difficulties and arguments could arise due to the varied ways of choosing kings in Anglo-Saxon England
  • Harold Godwinson was chosen by the Witton in January 1066 as the most popular noble
  • Harold Godwinson claims he was promised the throne by Edward, although there is some dispute over this
  • Harold Godwinson is aged in his 40s, experienced in military command, popular with the English people and nobility
  • Harold Godwinson is a member of the powerful House of Godwin with useful allies
  • Edgar the Etheling inherited a claim from his father and is a relative of Edward the Confessor
  • Edgar the Etheling is young and inexperienced, about 14 years old in 1066
  • The Witten chose Harold Godwinson over Edgar the Etheling due to Edgar's young age and inexperience
  • Harold is about 14 years old in 1066, too young and inexperienced to lead armies in war
  • Harold Godwinson was chosen over Edgar by the Witten due to Harold's little experience of ruling despite being born to a noble family
  • Etheling means prince or highborn
  • Foreign claimants
    • Harald Hardrada
    • William of Normandy
  • Harald Hardrada

    King of the Norwegians and a ferocious Viking warrior with a powerful army
  • Hardrada
    Means harsh council or hard ruler
  • Harald Hardrada is allied with Tostig Godwinson

    They plan to invade England to expand power, wealth, and lands
  • England was ruled by a Dane before, King Knute, considered a strong and effective ruler with a weak claim inherited from a promise made to his father
  • William of Normandy

    Experienced and ruthless leader, not a king but a duke, led a modern army with innovative tactics, claimed Edward had promised him the throne, backed by the Pope and several allies
  • Death of Edward the Confessor led to a succession crisis with four main claimants: Harold Godwinson, Edgar Atheling, Harald Hardrada, and William of Normandy
  • Harold Godwinson was proclaimed king by the Witten but had no family connection to Edward, promised to support William of Normandy
  • Edgar Atheling was related to Edward but too young to be supported as a military ruler
  • William of Normandy had some claim, promised support by Harold, gathered an invasion force with allies, poised to launch an invasion of the south coast
  • Succession crisis led to uncertainty about the strongest claimant