Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
Psychometric approach: measures performance not ability
Factor Analysis: Analysis of multiple tasks
Early Binet-simon Test: intended to define "normal" and abnormal, added mental age
Spearmen: coined Special (s) and General mental (g) abilities
Thurstone: had "primary mental Ability" with seven distinct abilities
Guilford had structure-of-intellect and had three levels: Content(What is being asked), operations (what kind of thinking is being asked to preform), and product(what is the answer being asked for).
Cattell and Horn: Fluid vs Crystallized intelligence
Hierarchical Models of Intelligence: groing from the basics to complex
John Carrolls Three stratum theory of intelligence: three tiered system that is like a stat screen for humans
Sternberg triarchic theory of intelligence: knowledge, ability to adapt, and experimental
StandfordBinet Intelligence scale: the IQ test, (Mental age / actual age x 100)
Modern test IQ now uses testnorms and deviation IQ
Wechsler scales: both verbal and nonverbal tests, used to assess cognitive functioning
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children: Measure of fluidintelligence (which shapes balence the scale)
On the bayley scales, if it is 70 or less, that is significant developmental delay
Many Children show fluctuation in IQ scores: enviroment is important, fairly stable, Cumulative Deficit Hypothesis (there will be a deficite if younger children do not learn early)
IQ test predict: scholastic achivement, occupation, education, life satisfaction
Intellectual Disability: three critieria Deficits in:
intellect functioning
adaptive fuctioning
onset during the developing period
Heredity (genetics)
Identical Twin (identical twins correlate more than Fraternal twins)
Adoption Studies (resemble thier bio parents more than there adoptive parents)
Flynn Effect: Raising of the average IQ points over the decades (from 1930)
Eviromental factors:
parental attitudes
Socioeconomic Status
Socioculture groups
Giftedness: high intellectual potential with singular talent
Creativity: divergent thinking, generating new and unique ideas
Divergent: process and generate new ideas
Convergent: useing concrete knowledge to solve problems
Multicomponent presecitve: creativity has multiple outlits (art, emotions, building)