Unit 10 - Intelligence

Cards (28)

  • Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
  • Psychometric approach: measures performance not ability
  • Factor Analysis: Analysis of multiple tasks
  • Early Binet-simon Test: intended to define "normal" and abnormal, added mental age
  • Spearmen: coined Special (s) and General mental (g) abilities
  • Thurstone: had "primary mental Ability" with seven distinct abilities
  • Guilford had structure-of-intellect and had three levels: Content(What is being asked), operations (what kind of thinking is being asked to preform), and product(what is the answer being asked for).
  • Cattell and Horn: Fluid vs Crystallized intelligence
  • Hierarchical Models of Intelligence: groing from the basics to complex
  • John Carrolls Three stratum theory of intelligence: three tiered system that is like a stat screen for humans
  • Sternberg triarchic theory of intelligence: knowledge, ability to adapt, and experimental
  • Standford Binet Intelligence scale: the IQ test, (Mental age / actual age x 100)
  • Modern test IQ now uses test norms and deviation IQ
  • Wechsler scales: both verbal and nonverbal tests, used to assess cognitive functioning
  • Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children: Measure of fluid intelligence (which shapes balence the scale)
  • Dynamic Assessment: involves competent instruction and/or scaffolding
  • On the bayley scales, if it is 70 or less, that is significant developmental delay
  • Many Children show fluctuation in IQ scores: enviroment is important, fairly stable, Cumulative Deficit Hypothesis (there will be a deficite if younger children do not learn early)
  • IQ test predict: scholastic achivement, occupation, education, life satisfaction
  • Intellectual Disability: three critieria Deficits in:
    intellect functioning
    adaptive fuctioning
    onset during the developing period
  • Heredity (genetics)
    Identical Twin (identical twins correlate more than Fraternal twins)
    Adoption Studies (resemble thier bio parents more than there adoptive parents)
  • Flynn Effect: Raising of the average IQ points over the decades (from 1930)
  • Eviromental factors:
    parental attitudes
    Socioeconomic Status
    Socioculture groups
  • Giftedness: high intellectual potential with singular talent
  • Creativity: divergent thinking, generating new and unique ideas
  • Divergent: process and generate new ideas
  • Convergent: useing concrete knowledge to solve problems
  • Multicomponent presecitve: creativity has multiple outlits (art, emotions, building)