Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula, but different structural formulas, this means they are made of the same atoms, but the atoms are arranged differently.
the two molecules above both have the formula C5H12- meaning 5 carbon atoms and 12 hydrogen atoms. However the atoms are arranged differently, which is why they have different names.
Alkanes are a homologous series of molecules that contain:
Only carbon and hydrogen atoms.
Only single bonds (alkanes have no double bonds).
A homologous series is a group of organic compounds that have similar chemical properties, due to them having the same functional group.
whats that
what's that
a hydrocarbon with a single bond can be referred to as saturated
Hydrocarbons are compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen only
A feedstock is a raw material used to provide reactants for an industrial reaction.
A petrochemical is a substance made from crude oil, via chemical reactions.
different hydrocarbons in crude oil are all feedstocks, but the useful things we then make from those hydrocarbons (polymers, solvents, lubricants, detergents etc.), are all petrochemicals.
Shorter chain alkanes have lowermelting and boiling points, so are more flammable, and more volatile.
Cracking is the process in which larger chain hydrocarbons are split into smaller, more useful hydrocarbons
cracking is a thermal decomposition reaction
catalytic cracking
First, some long chain alkanes are heated until they vaporise into a gas
Then they're passed over a hot, powdered aluminium oxide catalyst
This breaks the long chain alkanes into a shorter chain alkane and an alkene
steam cracking
Steam cracking is different because there is no catalyst involved. Instead the vaporised long chain alkane is mixed with steam at very high temperatures.
Alkenes are hydrocarbons with a double bond between two carbon atoms
When a long chain alkane is cracked, there aren't enough hydrogen atoms to make two alkanes. Hence, cracking will always produce one alkane and one alkene.
intro to alkenes
Alkenes are similar to alkanes. Alkenes are also hydrocarbons and also an example of a homologous series.
The difference is that alkenes have a double bond between two carbon atoms, whereas alkanes only have single bonds.
Another way to express the presence of the double bond between two carbon atoms is to say that alkenes are 'unsaturated'.