Chemistry of the atmosphere?

Cards (32)

  • What is incomplete combustion and the effect of it?
    occurs if the oxygen supply is limited and carbon monoxide and soot is produced
    it is also toxic gas,carbon monoxide which can kill
  • What is the carbon footprint?

    the total amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted over the full life cycle of a product
  • What is the effect of the CO2 and water vapour on Earth?
    increase global warming becuse they are greenhouse gases
    -produced by complete combustion
  • How is sulfur dioxide produced?
    fuel contains sulfur which reacts with oxygen in combustion
  • How have the changes of water vapour changed
    -decrease of water vapour which increased the formations of the oceans
    -the earth cooled then the water vapour condensed to form oceans
  • What is the effect of the sulfur dioxide on Earth?
    -acid rain(which can kill wildlife)
    -respiatory problem
  • State the current composition of our atmosphere
    Other gases-1
  • How can you reduce carbon footprint?
    -increased use of alternative energy supplies
    -energy conservation-
    carbon taxes and licences-carbon off-setting including through tree planting
    -carbon capture and storage
  • What is the effect of carbon monoxide on Earth?

    can kill
    it replaces the oxygen in the haemoglobin
    respiatory problems
  • What are the 3 main greenhouse gases?
    -water vapour
    -Carbon dioxide
  • What is the problem with countries reducing their carbon footprint?
    -lack of general population knowledge
    -economic considerations
    -reluctance of changing lifestyle habits
  • How have humans caused and increase in CO2?
    -the burning of fossil fuels
  • How are CO2 and water vapour produced?
    -complete combustion of hydro carbon fuels
  • How have humans increased methane?
    -wetland farming
  • Describe the greenhouse gas effect?
    -the gases let short wavelength electromagnetic (UV) pass through
    -earth cools down by emmitting longer wavelegth infrared radiation
    -greenhouse abosrbs:trapping the radiation this radiation which leads to an increase in temperature
  • How have the changes of ammonia to nitrogen in current vs then
    increse in nitogen and decrease in ammonia
    -ammonia reacted with newly formed oxygen to produce nitrogen+water
  • What is the first theory about how our atmosphere was formed?
    VOLCANOES released:
    -large amount of CO2
    -water vapour-formed oceans
    -large amounts of ammonia (NH3)
  • What is complete combustion and the effect?
    when there is plentiful oxygen supply
    there is less soot
    more heat per gram of fuel is released
    no carbon monoxide
  • What is the effect of soild particulates on Earth?
    -lung damage
    -global damage
  • What is the effect of Nitrogen oxide on Earth?
    -respiatory problems
  • How is nitrogen oxide produced?
    nitrogen and Oxygen in the air react with each other in the high temp of the engine
    nitrogen+oxygen->nitogen oxides
  • Which planets have an earth like the early's earth atmosphere?
    Mars and Venus
  • How have changes to oxygen from current to then atmosphere?
    increase in O2
    plants and algae photsynthesised releasing the oxygen
    CO2 + H2O= C6H12O + 6O2
  • How have changes to CO2 from the then to current?
    -decrease in CO2
    1)plants evolved and photsynthesised removing the CO2
    2)locked up the fossil fuels & sedimentry rocks
    3)dissolved in newly formed oceans
  • How are solid particulates produced?

    incomplete combustion (limiting oxygen)
  • What does carbon neutral mean?
    zero net release of CO2
    1. How are carbon monoxide produce?
    incomplete combustion and fuel
  • What is the second theory?
    -rained down,melted which added more water to form oceans
  • How is sulfur dioxide produced?
    fuel contains sulfur which reacts with oxygen in combustion
  • How are fossil fuels formed?
    -dead sea creatures and plants
    -fall to the bottom of the ocean
    -creates layers form heat and pressure from oil and coal
  • What is global warming?
    the increase in global temperature caused by the greenhouse gas effect
  • What is the effect of global climate change?
    -rising of sea levels
    -cutting down of trees