
Cards (29)

  • Italian poet Francesco Petrarca or more commonly known as Petrarch
    Father of Humanism
  • Lifespan of Petrarch
    July 20, 1304 - July 18/19, 1374
  • Why is Petrarch considered as Father of Humanism?
    he helped to popularize the study of the classical world and literature
  • Petrarch is considered one of the founding scholars of the Italian Renaissance.
  • he rediscovered many manuscripts in monasteries and had Greek works translated to Latin, so that they could be more readily read and studied.
  • Petrarch's sonnets were admired and imitated throughout Europe during the Renaissance and became a model for lyrical poetry.
  • Petrarch did not invent the poetic form that bears his name. It was likely named after him as a perfecter of the existing sonnet form.
  • The word “sonnet” itself stems from the Italian word “sonetto, which itself derives from the Latin “suono,” meaning “a sound.”
  • Number of lines in a Petrarchan Sonnet
  • The lines of a Petrarchan Sonnet are divided into an eight-line subsection (called an octave) followed by a six-line subsection (called a sestet).
  • The octave follows a rhyme scheme of ABBA ABBA
  • The “Crybin” variant on the Petrarchan sonnet contains a different rhyme scheme for the opening octave: ABBA CDDC.
  • The sestet follows one of two rhyme schemes: CDE CDE or CDC CDC
  • It is sometimes called the “Sicilian sestet,” named for the dialect used by Petrarch himself

  • purpose of octave
    introduce a problem, express a desire, reflect on reality, present a situation that causes doubt or conflict
  • purpose of sestet
    make a comment on the problem, apply a solution
  • Petrarch's Ideal Woman
    Laura de Noves
  • Laura became his Muse the minute he saw her outside a church on Good Friday.
  • He wrote 365 sonnets for her or a poem a day.
  • Laura was married and died of the plague, therefore, represented the epitome of unrequited love.
  • Theme in Petrarch's Sonnets
    love from afar, unrequited love, spiritualizing earthly love, and the uncertain self, the self at odds with himself.
  • Shakespearean sonnets are not just written exclusively by Shakespeare but he is credited to be a master of the form
  • Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
  • A volta is a turn of thought or argument in the sonnet. It comes from the Italian word for “turn”.
  • to let the readers know of the main thoughts and the conclusion of the sonnet.
    purpose of volta
  • volta in Petrarchan sonnet
    end of octave
  • volta in Shakespearean sonnet
    end of twelfth line
  • Alternative name of Shakespearean sonnet
  • Alternative name for Petrarchan sonnet