States all living organisms are composed of cells, the basic unit of life, and cells arise from preexisting cells.
Magnification formula
Calculation: image size divided by actual size, with units 1000 micrometres equaling 1 mm.
Light microscope
Instrument using light to magnify specimens, suitable for viewing living samples with lower resolution compared to electron microscopes.
Electron microscope
Instrument using electrons to magnify specimens, offering higher resolution and magnification but requiring more training and sample preparation.
Sample staining
Technique using stains like methylene blue to visualize colorless cell molecules, with fluorescent stains aiding in structure visualization. Also includes fluorescent anf immunofluorescent staining.
Technique involving freezing protein solutions for electron microscopy, allowing 3D image creation at the moment of freezing for structural research.
Freeze fracture
Method to produce cell surface images by rapid freezing and fracturing, revealing 3D structures and insights into cell surfaces.
Prokaryotic cell
Simple structure, no nucleus or organelles, 70s ribosomes
Eukaryotic cell
Compartmentalised, larger, grouped into Protista, Plants, Fungi, Animals