critical victimology

Cards (16)

  • Approaches to the study of victims
    • Positivist victimology
    • Critical victimology
  • Critical victimology
    • Looks at the role of the state and the authorities rather than individuals
    • Focuses on how the status of victim is defined by the state and its agencies
    • Examines how the structure of society can impact individuals who become victims
  • Spencer and Walker
    • Identified three main features of critical victimology
    • Examines the role of the state in the social construction of victimhood
    • Looks at the broader scale of victims of crime
    • Critiques the process of victim blaming
  • For Tombs and White
    The state often fails to acknowledge the victim status of those who are victims of state or corporate crime
  • The recording of a verdict of death by misadventure on the 96 Liverpool fans who died in the Hillsborough tragedy in 1989 was overturned 26 years later
  • Successive governments failed to identify innocent football fans as victims due to their status as working class
  • State crimes are crimes that are committed by the state or their agents against their own people
  • Examples of state crimes
    • Police shooting of Mark Duggan
    • Actions taken by the British armed forces in Northern Ireland after the Bloody Sunday massacre
    • John Charles de Menezes shot by police after the London bombings in 2005
  • The government recently failed to pass legislation that called for the immediate removal of flammable cladding from buildings affected by the Grenfell Tower fire
  • Residents of buildings with the flammable cladding were unaware that they were victims of corporate crime
  • Positivist victimology approaches initially denied Stephen Lawrence victim status despite being murdered by five white males
  • The McPherson inquiry found that failings within the police were signs of institutional racism in the police force
  • Phil Scraton outlined how the government were complicit in the victim blaming of football fans at Hillsborough
  • Critical victimology examines the social construction of the victim which gives a voice to those that are denied this status by the media and the state
  • Critical victimology draws attention to the conduct and denial of responsibility of those in power
  • Critical victimology can be seen as limited in its reach particularly given its opposition to the narratives put up by mainstream media and the state