Reflex arcs

Cards (8)

  • Central nervous system - brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system - The nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body
  • Sensory neurons - carry impulses from the receptors to the CNS
  • Motor neurons - carry impulses from the CNS to effectors
  • Somatic nervous system - carries nerve impulses to body muscles. Under voluntary control
  • Autonomic nervous system - carries nerve impulses to effectors and is under involuntary control
  • Reflex arc:
    • Stimulus
    • Receptor
    • Sensory neuron
    • Intermediate neuron
    • Motor neuron
    • Effector
    • Response
  • Importance of reflex arcs
    • Involuntary so bypass the brain, leaving it to carry out more complex responses
    • Protect the body from harm, they are innate
    • Few synapses so the neuron pathway is short