Exercise 1

Cards (32)

  • mykes - means fungi in greek
  • Fungi - heterotrophic organisms as they obtain their nutrition from external sources.
  • Most fungi are saprotrophic, feeding on dead organic matter (absorptive nutrition)
  • Some fungi are parasitic or pathogenic, living off the tissues of other plants or animals
  • Some species of fungi form symbiotic relationships such as:
    Lichens with algae, & Mycorrhiza with plant roots
  • Identify the different flagellated structures
    A) akont
    B) opisthokont
    C) acrokont
    D) isokont
    E) anisokont
    F) heterokont
  • These are yeasts, a unicellular fungi that undergo budding (form of asexual reproduction)
  • Hyphae - long, branching, filamentous structure. Main mode of vegetative growth
  • Mycelium - filamentous mass of hyphae
  • Septum - the division of each cell in the fungal hyphae
  • Aseptate - absence of septum
  • Septate - presence of septum
  • Thallus - the body or vegetative structure of fungi
  • Hyphal tip - the growing end of a fungal hypha
  • Apical growth - elongation of the hyphae, signified by tapering, thinner walls, and lighter pigmentation at the tips
  • Plasma membrane - made up of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins
  • Plasmalemma - other term for plasma membrane
  • Cell wall - (In fungi) made up of Chitin (main component), Polysaccharide, Glycoprotein, Protein, Glucane, and Mannane [CPGPGM]
  • Rhizomorphs - aggregation of hyphae that form "root-like" structures
  • Basidiomycota - phylum of Fungi that form clamp connections
  • In most yeasts, each cell is considered a thalli (each cell is a complete organism)
  • Pseudomycelia - unicellular fungi that are joined end-to-end, imitating a mycelia
  • Conidiophores - reproductive body which produces asexual spores known as 'conidia' externally
  • Identify the parts of a Sporangiophore
    A) Sporangiophore
    B) Sporangiospores
    C) Sporangium
  • Lichens - fungal-led associations with cyanobacteria and algae
  • Order: Polyporales - most are wood decomposers
  • Zygomycota - phylum of fungi that exist as insect pathogens, food spoilers, parasites, and mycorrhizal symbionts. Most are coenocytic
  • This fungi is coprophilic due to its affinity for excrements (feces, dung, etc.)
  • Oomycota - phylum of fungi-like organisms in the kingdom Chromista
  • Before observing yeast cells, they are first stained with 0.1% Methylene Blue for 1 minute, then rinsed with water
  • Label the parts of Penicillium spp.
    A) Conidia
    B) Phialides
    C) Metulae
    D) Ramuli
    E) Rami
  • Potato Dextrose Agar - a versatile growing medium for bacteria and fungi