Judgement + free will

Cards (7)

  • B- Judgement is the belief that God will decide whether each person should receive eternal life or eternal punishment based on their earthly life.
    E- St Paul says "We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad"
    E-Therefore, you will be held accountable for your actions on judgement day.
  • B- In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, God is represented as judging people based on their earthly conduct. Those who have performed good deeds (the sheep) are rewarded with eternal life in Heaven. Those who have not performed good deeds (the goats)are sent to eternal punishment in Hell.
    E- "The righteous will have eternal life"
    E- Therefore, God will judge us fairly on judgment day based on our earthly conduct.
  • Christians believe God is just and will decide the destination of every human soul after death. This shows us that God is omnipotent (powerful), and omniscience (all knowing)- He knows everything that you have done.
  • Jesus is involved in judgement and he offers salvation. This is where he is seen as omnibenevolent as he is just and decides fairly.
  • B- In the Parable of the Sheeps and the Goats, God is seen as a just judge and will take into account our earthly conduct
    E- Jesus says "Whatever you have done to the least of these, you have done to me"
    E- Therefore, how you have treated people will influence how God judges you on Judgement Day. As well as, it is up to our own free will to make these decisions so it is fair.
  • If you believe that God is going to judge you based on your earthly life, you are going to be very conscious about the way you live your life. So, you will follow God's rules, worship him, perform good deeds, and avoid sin to not be sent to eternal punishment in Hell.
  • Some Christians may have hope that justice will be done, you will see injustice and people getting away with things that is not right. The same way as people doing good deeds and not getting any reward from society. Therefore, Christians have hope that in the end, justice will be served.