Exercise 2

Cards (33)

  • Mixed culture - culture that contains more than one type of organism
  • Axenic culture - culture free of other organisms except targeted organisms; targeted isolation
  • Phosphate Buffers Solution - maintains pH stability in fungal cultures and helps resist changes in acidity or alkalinity.
  • Normal Saline Solution - maintains hydration and provides a suitable environment for maintaining fungal cultures
  • Yeasts - ranges from unicellular to chains of easy-to-seperate elongate cells
  • Rhodotorula - genus of yeast that has a reddish pigmentation
  • Saccharomyces - genus of fungi that can sexually reproduce by complete conjugation of hapoloid cells
  • Watermolds - mycelial, aquatic fungi-like with cellulosic cell wall. Under the kingdom protista
  • Achiya - genus of water molds that has dark, lance-shaped sacs (zoosporangia) that are borne at the apex of hyphal filaments
  • Molds - collective term for fungi that form profuse cottony growth common on high-carbohydrate substrates like bread, and root crops
  • Molds fall under the phylum Zygomycota
  • Cokeromyces - genus of fungi that has two whorls of small sporangia with in-curved sporangiosphores near the tip of a hyphal strand. First isolated from rabbit dung
  • Syncephalastrum - genus of fungi with globular tip of the sporangioshpore covered with narrow-ellipsoid sporangia,
    each containing a single row of sporangiospores
  • Cunninghamelia - genus of fungi with globular tip of the sporangiosphore surrounded by spiny, 1-spored sporangiospores, termed conida like the asexual spores of imperfect fungi
  • Basidiobolus - genus of fungi that's ubiquitous in excreta of frogs and house lizards. Its colonies on agar are powdery
  • Aspergillus - genus of fungi where the stalk (conidiospore) has a swollen apex (vesicle) covered all over with pinball-shaped cells that bud out a long chain of conidia
  • Cephaliophora - genus of fungi that has a short conidiosphore also swollen at the tip which in turn bears a few 2-celled, brown, top- shaped conidia; the complex resembles a flower, the conidia representing the petals.
  • Curvularia - genus of fungi that has brown, zigzag conidiophore; at each bend is formed a kidney-shaped, 4- celled conidium, the two middle cells darker and wider than the terminal ones
  • Fusarium - genus of fungi that's pinkish (some bluish, purplish, creamish). Its short conidiophore bears colorless, canoe-shaped, multispored, sometimes together with ovoid unicelled, conidia, all enmeshed in a gelatinous substance.
  • Coniothyrium - genus of fungi that has flask-shapes fruiting body (pycnidium) the tip of the neck of which is an opening (ostiole).
  • Pestalosia - genus of fungi that's the causal agent of grey sport diseases of leaves of coconut and other palms
  • Ascomycota - phylum that contains molds with a sexual stage characterized generally by a variety of ascocarps
  • Most imperfect fungi are classified under the phylum Ascomycota
  • Eurotium - genus under the phylum Ascomycota, where its ascocarp is two halves with a longitudinal furrow
  • Sodaria - genus under the phylum Ascomycota, that is strictly sexual, but its ascocarp is flask-shaped like the pycnidium in Coniothytrium
  • Glycerol - used a cryoprotectant as it disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules, hence preventing the formation of ice crystals during freezing
  • True or False: Freezing is an efficient way of storing fungi?
  • True or False: Ice crystals can't puncture cellular membranes, thus making them efficient
  • True or False: Storing culture, slants under a layer of sterile mineral oil, is one of the oldest, simplest and least expensive methods for short-term culture preservation
  • True or False: Cultures kept under mineral oil may remain viable for decades
  • True or False: Pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi may be undiminished after several months of storage
  • Arrange the Sequencing (Short-term storage of fungi via periodic transfer)
  • Arrange the Sequencing (Long term storage of fungi via mineral oil and glycerol)