Bone Marrow is soft connective tissue found in spaces in bone. Red marrow produces the body’s blood cells, while yellow marrow stores fat (energy reserve)
Involuntary muscles are not under conscious control, like muscles used for breathing & digesting food. Voluntary muscles are under conscious control, like smiling, turning pages, walking
Brain controls most functions in the body, including the cerebrum which interprets input from the senses, controls movement of skeletal muscles, and complex mental processes
Arteries - Blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and to the body parts, Capillaries - Small blood vessels where materials are exchanged between the blood and the body’s cells (oxygen & carbon dioxide), Veins - Carries oxygen-poor blood (w/carbon dioxide) back to the heart (to be pumped out to the lungs)
Plasma – liquid part of blood, Red blood cells – take up oxygen in the lungs and deliver it to cells, White blood cells – the body’s disease fighters (part of immune system), Platelets – cell fragments used in forming blood clots (that make scabs)
Functions: Breaks down food into molecules the body can use, Molecules are absorbed into the blood & carried throughout the body (by the circulatory system), Wastes are eliminated from the body (by the excretory system)
Mouth – mechanical & chemical digestion starts here, Esophagus – muscular tube connecting the mouth to the stomach, Stomach – Most mechanical digestion takes place, Some chemical with the help of digestive juices (enzymes & acids), Small Intestine – Most of the chemical digestion takes place, Absorption of nutrients from digested food into the bloodstream, Large Intestine – Water is absorbed into the bloodstream, Remaining material is readied for elimination from the body, Rectum
Active immunity occurs when a person’s own immune system produces antibodies in response to a pathogen; remembers how to “fight” the pathogen. Two ways to gain active immunity: Infection with pathogen, Vaccine – weakened or killed pathogen (Ex: chicken pox vaccine)