Distance and Time

Cards (11)

  • How would you interpret a distance-time graph?
    description of an objects motion
  • What does the gradient of a distance-time graph tell us?
    the speed (velocity) of the object at that point
  • What will the gradient of a tangent to a curve tell us?
    the speed at that exact moment during an accelerating section on a graph
  • What is thinking distance?
    the distance between the driver spotting a hazard and applying the brakes
  • What is breaking distance?
    the distance travelled whilst the brakes are applied until the vehicle stops
  • What do the thinking and breaking distance depend on?
    the speed of the vehicle
  • What factors affect the thinking distance?
    drug/alcohol use, tiredness, distractions
  • What factors affect the braking distance?
    weather conditons, road conditions, tyre and brake conditions
  • How would you interpret graphs of stopping distances?
    speed-time or distance-time graphs
  • During braking, how is kinetic energy is transferred to thermal (and some sound) energy?
    by frictional forces
  • What will happen during braking?
    the temperature of the brakes will increase