Equalisation and Group 2 Units
1. Accrued income is stripped out of the unit price when the fund ‘goes ex-distribution’
2. Equalisation recognises that investors effectively ‘bought’ a portion of the income received, which has tax implications
3. Equalisation amount is deemed by HM Revenues & Customs (HMRC) to be a return of capital, not earned income, and is deducted by investors for capital gains tax (CGT) purposes
4. Equalisation rate is calculated by the fund accountant based on the aggregate amounts of fund income included in the price of units bought by investors during the period
5. Group 1 units/shares are those held at the beginning of the period, while Group 2 units/shares are purchased during the accounting period
6. Holders of Group 1 and Group 2 units/shares receive the same cash value of distribution, but Group 2 units/shares receive a smaller amount of taxable income due to equalisation