Dynamic Equilibrium

Cards (8)

  • Dynamic Equilibrium: a state of balance between two (opposite) processes occurring at the same time.
    • Rate of forward rxn = Rate of reverse rxn
  • Two types of Dynamic Equilibrium
    1. physical equilibrium
    2. chemical equilibrium
  • Two conditions for a system to reach dynamic equilibrium:
    1. CLOSED SYSTEM: No reactant, product or energy can be added or can leave the system.
    2. REVERSIBLE PROCESS (indicated by )
  • Physical Equilibrium: Phase Equilibrium
    • In a closed system, two phases can exist at the same time (coexist)
    • Balance of two different phases of matter
  • Equilibrium exists between ice melting and liquid freezing
    • Rates of melting = Rate of freezing
    • Amounts of ice and water remain constant
    • H2O(s)H2O(l)
  • Physical equilibrium: Solution equilibrium
    • Solids and liquids: In a saturated solution, the rate of dissolving equals the rate of precipitation.
    • Saturated solution with extra undissolved solute
    • Gases and liquids: In a closed system saturated solution, the rate of dissolving equals the rate of vaporization
  • Chemical Equilibrium: a reversible reaction in a closed system where:⇆
    1. Reaction must be reversible
    2. The rate of the forward reaction and the reverse reaction is the same
    3. The concentrations of the reactants and products are constant.
    4. Not equal; just stays the same
    Sample Reaction: N2 + 3H22NH3
  • When we mix any concentrations of these gases at room temperature:
    1. Reaction starts, reactants are used up and products are produced
    2. After a certain amount of time, the concentration of the reactants and products become constant. (Chemical Equilibrium)