When an individual has adequate energy levels, they can physically participate in activities with friends, which can enhance relationships.
physical + mental
individuals who are fit and physicallycapable of carrying out daily tasks are more likely to feel good about themselves and have positive self-esteem.
physical + emotional
An individual who is sick may experience fear and anger and respond appropriately to these emotions.
physical + spiritual
A person who can functionphysically due to adequateenergy levels
is more able to participate in communityactivities, which can enhancefeelings of belonging.
social + physical
Strong social networks have been shown to reducesmoking rates and obesity, which can reduce the risk of a range of conditions, including cardiovascular disease.
social + mental
Having a close network of friends allows people to share problems with others, which can reduce stress.
social + emotional
Close social bonds allow individuals to be themselves and share their emotions with others which can assist in respondingappropriately to them.
social + spiritual
When a person has social bonds, they are more likely to feel connected to the world in which they live
mental + physical
Stress can lowerimmunesystemfunction and increase the risk of infectiousdiseases.
mental + social
If a person is optimistic, they are more likely to interact in
a positive way with friends and family, developingstrongerrelationships
mental + emotional
When using logic and reasoning, an individual may be better able to thinkclearly and fairlyjudge the emotions they are experiencing.
mental + spiritual
Stress is characterised by excessive self-focus. When individuals focus on themselves, they are less likely to feel connected to their community.
emotional + physical
If an individual can recognise that they are feeling sad and are taking action to deal with this emotion, they
are more likely to participate in their normal activities, such as exercise, which can enhance fitness.
emotional + social
Individuals who can express their emotions can share their feelings with friends, promoting more meaningful friendships.
emotional + mental
If an individual can process emotions effectively,
they may feel better about themselves, which enhances self-esteem.
emotional + spiritual
Experiencing appropriateemotions (both positive and negative) can assist in a personfeelingconnected to their world and the events that occur in it.
spiritual + physical
When individuals have a purpose in life, they are morelikely to take care of themselvesphysically to fulfil their purpose. This can promote a healthy body weight.
spiritual + social
If individuals feel connected to their society, they are
more likely to treatpeoplefairly, enhancingrelationships.
spiritual + mental
Believing that life has a positive meaning and purpose can enhanceself-esteem and
a sense of optimism.
spiritual + emotional
If a person acts according to their values and beliefs, they may feel more comfortable with the emotions they experience throughout life.