
Cards (12)

  • list environmental factors:
    1. housing
    2. work environment
    3. climate
    4. urban environment
  • list sociocultural factors
    1. socioeconomic status
    2. unemployment
    3. social exclusion
    4. social isolation
    5. food security
    6. early life experiences
    7. access to healthcare
    8. cultural norms
  • explain what sociocultural factors are?
    social and cultural conditions that people experience throughout their lives
  • explain SES:
    • Measured to determine social status of an individual using the factors:
    • Income: access to resources
    • Education: health literacy
    Occupation: manual workers often come from low SES risky jobs
  • explain unemployment:
    • Losing employment can significantly increase levels of stress and anxiety for individuals, especially if they are required to provide for their family
    AIHW: “those unemployed have a higher risk of dying and suffer more illnesses than those of a similar age who are employed”
  • explain social exclusion:
    • Segregation people experience if they aren’t adequately participating in the society they live 
    • People who suffer from mental health conditions, homelessness, disabilities, or poverty are more likely to suffer social exclusion (less opportunities to access eduction, employment, safe housing and healthcare)
  • explain social isolation:
    • When individuals are not in regular contact with others
    • Language barriers and disabilities
    • Suffer from mental health conditions - depression -> increase risk of self-harm, substance abuse and suicide.
  • what is geographical isolation?

    when people live in remote areas, preventing them from being able to regularly interact with others
  • explain food security?
    • Food insecurity occurs in low-SES environments where people lack financial ability/health literacy to access nutritious diet
    • Geographical location can prevent
    • Decreased financial ability or health literacy = increase consumption of cheap, processed food which increases health complications (obesity, type 2 diabetes)
  • explain early life experiences
    How an individual is brought up which shapes the way they view the world
  • explain access to healthcare
    • Financial barriers:
    • Prevent low SES individuals from seeking health services
    • Limits access to PHI (public health insurance) and services it covers
    • Cultural barriers:
    • Indigenous Australians are less likely to access western medical services
    • Seek medical practice that is in line with their own practices and beliefs
  • explain cultural norms
    • Relates to customs, ideas, values and traditions in a particular society passed through generations
    • Eg. gender stereotypes, food intake (western diet), attitude and belief (alcohol use)