Rehearsal as a Strategy to Improve Memory

Cards (3)

  • Rehearsal definition⇒ the process of consciously manipulating information to keep it in STM, to transfer it to LTM, or to aid storage and retrieval
  • Maintenance rehearsal
    • Definition⇒ involves repeating the information being remembered over and over again so that it can be retained in STM (Working memory)
    • It involves simple repetition of words or auditory information such as the sounds of words and visual or spatial information such as images or mental maps
    • To transfer info to LTM it is more effective to use elaborative rehearsal
  • Elaborative rehearsal
    • Definiton⇒ the process of linking new information in a meaningful way with other new information or information already stored in the LTM to aid in its storage and retrieval from LTM
    • E.g. forming an association between learning a complicated definition in psychology and something that reminds you of a holiday you went on
    • Mnemonics do the same thing
    • Elaborative rehearsal is more active and effortful than maintenance rehearsal