Cards (21)

  • Globalization can be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa. (Anthony Giddens, Former Director of the London School of Economics)
  • David Held, Professor of Politics and International Relations, Durham University: 'Globalization may be thought of as a process (or set of processes) which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions—assessed in terms of their extensity, intensity, velocity and impact—generating transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction, and the exercise of power'
  • Roland Robertson, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland: 'Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole'
  • Ways in which globalization has shrunk the world
    • Capsulized almost everything we need
    • Enabled connection with people throughout the world through devices like cell phones, computers, and other technology-powered devices
  • Globalization involves a relationship with people from around the world
  • Global communication competence requires individuals to be equipped with the ability to acknowledge, respect, tolerate, and integrate cultural differences in order to be qualified for enlightened global citizenship
  • Dimensions of global communication according to Chen (2005)

    1. Global mindset
    2. Unfolding the self
    3. Mapping the culture
    4. Aligning the interaction
  • Global Mindset
    • Culturally sensitive, open, knowledgeable, critical, holistic thinkers, and flexible
  • Unfolding the Self

    • Ability to look for shared communication symbols and project the self into another person’s mind
  • Mapping the Culture
    • Cognitive ability to map a person’s or another person’s culture. Understanding ourselves as a cultural being is a prerequisite to knowing other cultures. Respect and integration of cultural differences becomes possible through mutual awareness of cultural knowledge
  • Aligning the Interaction
    • Allows individuals to negotiate multiple meanings and manage complexity and conflicts in the global context
  • Globalization requires the development of a person’s language ability
  • The ability to use language accurately and appropriately is a requirement of a globalizing society
  • The creativity to use the English language is a determinant of a person’s communication skill
  • Globalization has introduced virtual communication and collaboration as a major part of workplace dynamics
  • Virtual interactions
    Communicating via email to distant team members requires a certain etiquette and nuance not necessarily required in face-to-face interactions
  • Global communication is often referred to as dialogue between civilizations
  • Cultural awareness in speech

    • The need for cultural awareness is a major impact of globalization on the required skill set of effective communicators
    • Cultural differences can affect vocabulary, colloquial expressions, voice tone, and taboo topics
  • Cultural awareness in body language
    • Awareness of cultural differences in body language is important
    • Students should understand acceptable speaking distances, conflict styles, eye contact, and posture in different cultures
    • Differences in body language should be addressed to avoid difficulties or miscommunication
  • Time Differences
    • The advent of global collaboration introduces the need to communicate and share information with people across several time zones
    • Communication skills development programs should address the nuances of overcoming the challenge of time differences by teaching people to understand the information needs of their colleagues according to the communication styles of different countries or cultures
  • Manzano, B.,, (2018) presented 4 major impacts of globalization on communication skills development.
    1. virtual interactions
    2. cultural awareness in speech
    3. cultural awareness in body language
    4. time differences