When charge flows around a circuit for a given time, the energy supplied by the battery is equal to the energy transferred to all the components in the circuit
Double insulated appliances have two layers of insulation: insulation around the wires themselves and a non-metallic case that acts as a second layer of insulation
The earth wire provides a low resistance path to the earth, causing a surge of current in the earth wire and live wire, which melts the fuse and cuts off the electricity supply to the appliance, making it safe
Fuses and circuit breakers are safety devices designed to cut off the flow of electricity to an appliance if the current becomes too large due to a fault or surge
Fuses consist of a glass cylinder containing a thin metal wire that melts if the current becomes too large, breaking the circuit and stopping the current
The main circuit breaker can quickly shut off electricity to the whole house, while branch circuit breakers can shut off electricity to specific areas of the house