Cards (19)

    • Indonesian origin for "Lava or lava flow"
    • wet cement-like mixture of volcanic material and water
    • acquires older volcanic materials along rivers and other water channels
  • Ashfall - consists of fragmented volcanic particles less than 2mm in diameter in size
  • Tephra - fragmented volcanic particles in general
  • Pyroclastic Flow - dense type of current that moves slower than surge
  • Pyroclastic Surge - diluted type of current that has more mobility
  • Pyroclastic Density Currents (PDC) - materials released from the mouth of the volcano after its explosion
  • Ballistic Projectiles - may be likened to a cannonball usually landing 2-5 km away from the event
  • Bombs - derived from fresh magma; attain smoothness and peculiar shapes before they fall
  • Blocks - chips of the walls of the volcanic vent; rough with sharp edges
  • Volcanic Gases - variety of gases released before and even after eruption
  • Water vapor - colorless, odorless, and harmless; most abundant gas
  • Carbon dioxide - colorless and odorless gas; may cause unconsciousness exceeding 15% concentration
  • Sulfur Dioxide - colorless with pungent odor; irritant; may create smog
  • Hydrogen Sulfide - colorless, flammable gas with strong offensive odor
  • Hydrogen Halides - toxic acids that quickly dissolve in the atmosphere becoming components of acid rain; poisonous
  • Lava flows - rivers of incandescent molten rocks flowing down a slope from an eruption vent
  • Low silica magma - low viscosity lava flow; movement at high speeds
  • High silica magma - high viscosity lava flow; movement at low speeds
  • ● serves as a guide about danger zones and safe zones within
    the vicinity of the volcano
    ● basis of the country’s risk of volcanic eruption is based on the
    activity of volcanoes
    ● designated permanent danger zone and extended danger
    Hazard Maps