Films and Videos

Cards (22)

  • Close-up
    A very close shot where the camera lens focuses closely on a particular detail or on the actor's face
  • Medium shot
    A shot captured at medium distance, showing the upper half of the actor(s), their faces, upper bodies, and some background details
  • Wide shot (Long shot)

    A shot taken at a distance, where the camera has a full view of the actor as well as a large surrounding area of the setting
  • Full shot
    A shot where the camera lens captures the full body of the actor from head to toes, emphasizing on the actor
  • Low angle shot (Undershot)

    When the camera is positioned below the subject, looking up at them
  • Long shot
    Frames the actor from head to toes, emphasis on actions and movements rather than emotional state, often used for dramatic moments of action
  • Low angle shot (undershot)

    Camera positioned below the level of the eyeline, looking up at the subject
  • High angle shot

    Camera points down on the subject from above
  • Bird's eye view
    Camera looking directly down on the subject
  • Worm's eye view
    View of an object from below, as though the observer were a worm
  • Tilt shot
    Camera tilted at an angle, creates a similar effect to tilting one's head to look at something
  • Point of view shot

    Depicts an angle showing what a character is looking at
  • Point of view shot

    Depicts an angle that shows what a character is looking at
  • Top lighting
    • Characterized by a harsh beam of light coming from directly above the subject
    • Has a dramatic effect, draws the viewer's attention to a specific detail or details in the image (focal point)
  • Low angle lighting

    • Provides direct light at a shallow angle onto the subject
    • Can have a sinister, suspenseful, or surreal effect
  • Low key lighting
    • A style of lighting for film and photography that has an emphasis on shadows
    • Often used in horror movies, creates a dramatic or emotional effect
  • High key lighting
    • Reduces the lighting ratio in the scene, meaning there's less contrast between the darker tones and the brighter areas
    • Everything is brightly lit and there are hardly any shadows/dark spots in the image
    • Often used to convey joy, happiness, or life, frequently used in the comedy genre and in sitcoms like Friends and The Big Bang Theory
  • Diegetic sound

    Sound that comes from the world of the film, which the characters in the film are aware of and can react to
  • Non-diegetic sound

    Sound that comes from outside the world of the film, such as the soundtrack or scoring, which the characters cannot hear
  • Focal point
    The point of focus or interest in a picture or work of art where the viewer's eye is immediately drawn to because of the camera position and the lighting
  • Soft Focus
    • A technique used to photograph things so that the edges of the objects in the photograph are not as sharp or clear
    • Creates a dreamy glow and a gentler, more mellow effect on the viewer
  • Sharp Focus
    Striving to take sharp photographs where the focal point is clear and sharp, with clarity and crispness in the lines and lighting of the photo