Ideology is a set of shared beliefswithin a group, such as nation of social class.
globalization exists in people's consciousness because it consists of coherent and complementary ideas and beliefs about the global order.
Ideology is a more or lesscoherent set of ideas that provide the basis for organized political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify, or overthrow the existing system of power.
Offer an account of existing order, usually in the form of a "world view".
They advance a model of a desired future, a vision of the "good society".
They explain how politicalchange can andshouldbebrought about- "how to get from a to b".
Explanation- offer reasons why social and poitical conditions are the way they are, especially in times of crises.
Orientation- provide individuals with a preference toward issues and a position within the world.
Evaluation- provided standards for observing social conditions and political institutions and events.
PoliticalProgram- help people make choices and guide their politicalactions.
Social Imaginary is the way how we imagine ourselves, people, and our society.
Communal Existence- a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities.
Imaginary - Not true or false but may be more less adequate for going on in the world. .
Imaginary can lead to learning based on reflexive interpretation of successive experiences.
Imaginary - Plurality of Imaginaries is based on different entry-points and standpoints.
Imaginary- reflexive agents can adopt differentperspectives to open space for varying degrees of self-reflexion
Ideology is linked to "truth regimes" that privelege ideal and/or material interests.
Ideology frames and limits Erlebnis (lived experience) and the whole for Erfahrung (learning appropriate lessons)
Competing ideologies privelege some entry-points and standpoints over others.
Ideologies may be formed and promoted intentionally and, even when they are emergent, tend to block (self-) reflexion.
Post-Modernist view on globalization:
Other cultures are influencing western culture globalization.
Global media being beneficial.
Emergence of social networking sites.
Market Globalism- an approach to globalization that places a primary emphasize on the global integration of markets, trade, and economic activities.
Market Globalism- more neoliberal approaches are authorized, this globalism always for the unrestricted for our goods, services and capital across national borders.
Justice Globalism- concentrates on social, economic, and environmental justice in the context of globalization.
JusticeGlobalism argues for changes in international institutions, policies, and practices you are societal issues, promoting a fairer and more inclusive global system.
Justice Globalism 1st central claim:
Neoliberal produces global crises.
Justice Globalism 2nd central claim:
Democraticparticipation is essential in solving globalproblems.
Justice Globalism 3rd central claim:
Market-driven globalization has increased worldwide imbalance in wealth and well-being
Justice Globalism 4th central claim:
Another world is possible and urgently needed.
Justice Globalism 5th central claim:
People power, not corporate power!
Religiousglobalism are ways of understanding the global environment as expressed through specific religious and spiritual worldviews.
6coreclaims of globalization- associated with a particular perspective that serves several purposes in discussions about globalization. Often articulate key principles, beliefs, of observations that proponents of a certain viewpoint use to frame their understanding of globalization.
1st claim of globalization:
globalization is about liberalization and global integration of markets.
2nd claim of globalization:
globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
3rd claim of globalization:
nobody is in charge of globalization.
4th claim of globalization:
globalization benefits everyone in the long run.
5th claim of globalization:
globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world.