means that foods or fluids get into your airway. This can lead to trouble breathing or lung infections such as pneumonia.
is a complex activity that requires muscular
coordination and timing for airway protection.
Pulmonary aspiration
is the mis-direction of oral secretions, fluids, solids, or gastric contents into the larynx and lower respiratory tract. It can cause complications, such as airway obstruction and aspiration pneumonia, and possibly death.
process propels a bolus from the mouth, through the esophagus, and into the stomach.
< 18.5
underweight BMI
18.5 - 24.9
normal BMI
25.0 - 29.9
overweight or mild obesity BMI
30.0 - 39.9
moderate obesity BMI
is loss of appetite to eat.
20% greater than ideal body weight
10% greater than IBW (ideal body weight)
Oral Gastric Tube
may be used for feedings, medication administration, or removal of contents from the stomach via aspiration, suction, or gravity drainage.
gastric gavage
To provide feeding
gastric lavage
To irrigate stomach
pH test
This method aspires the NG tube and checks the content by using pH paper.
Chest Xray
This method offer one of the best ways to check the placement of the NG tube.
is an expulsion of feces from the rectum.
valsalva maneuver
an involuntary phase when feces is in the rectum.
Alcoholic stool
(abnormal characteristics of stool) gray, pale due to biliary obstruction
(abnormal characteristics of stool) passage of bright red stool due to GI bleeding.
(abnormal characteristics of stool) passage of black tarry stool due to upper GI bleeding
(abnormal characteristics of stool) greasy, bulky, foul-smelling stool due to presence of undigested fats like in hepatobiliary-pancreaticobstructions.
Fecal impaction
hardened stool
presence of excessive gas (sa pag pamus on ini)
Fecal incontinence
involuntary elimination of bowel contents assoc. with emotional impairments, mental, neurologic.
Refers to frequent evacuation of watery stools for 3-5 time or more. It is assoc. with increased gastric motility.
Urinary Bladder
serves as reservoir for urine. It can hold an approx. 1,000 ml of urine.
it is the act of expelling urine from the bladder also called voiding or urination.
presence of red blood cells in urine
Presence of pus in urine
Presence of glucose in urine
Presence of ketones in urine
excessive amount of urine ≥ 100ml/hr or 2500ml/day.
decreased amount of urine ≤ 30ml/hr or ≤ 500ml/24 hr.
absence of urine 0-10ml/hr
increased frequency of urine at night
painful urination
Urinary incontinence
can be stress incontinence, a continous and unpredictable loss of urine less than 50ml due to coughing, sneezing.
inability of the bladder to empty. 240 -250ml of urine in the bladder triggers by micturition
is the largest organ in the body and serves a variety of important functions in maintaining health and protecting the individual from injury.