
Cards (23)

  • Global Culture
    Culture shared by all people of the world, founded on Western values, consumption, and attitudes toward the natural world
  • Nations are now related in many forms due to global culture
  • Drew provided 11 cultural Global examples

  • Cultural Global examples

    • Hollywood Films
    • English as the lingua franca in Business
    • Fast Food restaurants
    • The five great religions
    • The United Nations
    • International Fashion trends
    • Pop music
    • Football
    • Online Identities
    • Business Etiquette
    • Currency
  • Song, 2018: 'Movies like those in Marvel and DC film series help promote US ideals and culture abroad. They advocate pushing forward the American ways to influence young people worldwide to embrace Western practices'
  • A common language must be utilized when communicating internationally, and because of American influence, English has taken the place of all other languages in the commercial world
  • McDonalds and KFC are commonplace in both rich and developing nations, demonstrating the extent of culinary globalization. The fast food restaurant format at the McDonalds franchise has become popular worldwide, even in cultures without the chain
  • Major religions of the world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) have had a profound influence on culture and development. They emphasize moral behavior, community, and similar beliefs, including the notion that God created the universe
  • The UN was established in 1945 with 193 member nations under the direction of a founding charter. Its goals and guiding principles have changed to reflect the world's accelerating change
  • As a result of fashion media, there is now a universal fashion that cuts across all boundaries and cultures. Social media and celebrities both contribute to the global propagation of fashion trends
  • Pop music is now more widely available than ever thanks to marketing distribution channels including radio, TV, and online streaming services. Various music awards such as American Music Awards and MTV unite brilliant musicians from around the world
  • Nations compete in the World Cup every four years, and football clubs from English cities also play in the English Premier League. Despite being English teams, they have a worldwide fan base, and players from various nations make up the clubs
  • Through the internet, young people may now connect with others from around the globe who share their interests, passions, and hobbies, enabling them to identify with like-minded individuals outside of their local communities
  • Global business etiquette, such as shaking hands, dressing in suits, and dining with prospective partners, must be adapted by international enterprises
  • Prior to 5000 years ago, the Greek and Roman empires helped the first currency, the Mesopotamian shekel, become widely used. Every country relies on currency now, demonstrating how wise concepts have persisted throughout history
  • Culture
    Does not stay the same as it continues to welcome changes over time
  • O'Reilly provided three perspectives on global cultural flows

  • Perspectives on global cultural flows
    • Cultural Differentialism
    • Cultural Hybridization
    • Cultural Convergence
  • Cultural Differentialism
    Interactions between various civilizations will result in violent conflicts
  • Cultural Hybridization
    Local and International cultures are combined through the creative process of globalization to produce distinctive results. This strategy places a strong emphasis on Arjun Appadura's concepts of "glocalization" and "scapes"
  • Cultural Convergence
    Highlights homogeneity brought about by globalization and examines cultural imperialism, in which one culture subjugates elements of another
  • Local Culture
    A nation's full set of customs, attitudes, and behaviors derived from shared information and life encounters inculcated by family members, acquaintances, workmates, and neighborhoods
  • The terminologies "globalization" and "localization" are coined to come up with the term "glocalization," which means developing and offering services and goods in the local area and delivering them to international users