WILHEM WUNDT - FATHER OF PSYCHOLOGY , developed the technique of objective introspection
objectiveintrospection- process of objectively examining and measuring one thougth's and mental activities
EDWARDTITCHENER -wundt's student ; brought structuralism to america
MARGARET WASHBURN -titchener student ; 1st woman to earn a Ph. D in psychology
FUNCTIONALISM -how the mind allows people to adapt ,live,work and play ;proposed by william james
influence modern fields - educational, evolutionary,industrial psychology
MARY WHITON CALKINS -denied Ph. D cuz she was a woman
GESTALT -'good figure' focus on studying whole patterns rather than small pieces of them
GESTALT- a german word meaning ''an organized whole'' or ''configuration''
MAXWERTHEIMER- who started gestalt ;who studied sensation and perception
gestalt ideas now part of the study of cognitive psychology
cognitive psychology; field focusing not only on perception but also on learning, memory thought processes, and problem solving
PSYCHOANALYSIS -theory and therapy based on the work of sigmund freud
freud patients suffered from nervous disorder with no apparent physical cause
BEHAVIORISM -focus on observable behavior only ,must be directly seen and measured
JOHN B. WATSON - proposed behaviorism
IVANPAVLOV- who demonstrated that a reflex could be conditioned(learned)
WATSON believed that phobias were learned
case of ''litlle albert'' baby taught to fear a white rat
MARY COVER JONES -an early pioneer in behavior therapy
case study ''little peter ''(counter conditioning)
PSYCHODYNAMICS PERSPECTIVE -modern version of psychoanalysis
-focus on the development of a sense of self,motivation for social/inter personal relationship
BEHAVIORALPERSPECTIVE -classical and operant conditioning ,concept of reinforcement ,focus on observable behavior
( BurrhusFrederic )B.F. SKINNER- studied operant conditioning of voluntary behavior.
HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE - people have free will : the freedom to choose their own destiny ,early roots of psychology in the field of philo.
early founders in humanistic perspective : ABRAHAM MASLOW , CARL ROGERS
COGNITIVEPERSPECTIVE -focus on memory, inteligence , perception,problem solving,and learning
SOCIOCULTURALPERSPECTIVE - focus on the relationship between social behavior and culture
BIOPSYCHOLOGICALPERSPECTIVE -influences of genetics ,hormones and the activity of the nervous system on human and animal behavior
EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE- biological bases for universal mental characteristics that are shared by all humans
7 modern perspective - psychodynamics, behavioral,humanistic,cognitive,psychological,socialcultural,and evolutionary
Francis Cecil Summer -first African American to earn Ph. D in psychology at Clark University
Representative Sample -randomly selected of subjects from a larger population of subjects
Random Assignment -the process of assigning subjects to the experimental or control groups randomly so that each subject has an equal chance of being in either group.