Jamaica- economic change

Cards (12)

  • Located in the Caribbean
  • Population of 2.7 million
  • Classed as an upper middle income country (MIC)
  • Suffered slow growth, debt and high unemployment over a long period of time
  • Beautiful beaches and a warm, sunny climate
  • Good international connections
  • In 2014, 24% of GDP from tourism. In 2024 it'll be 32%
  • Economy:
    200,000 jobs
    $2 billion in tax
    Multiplier effect
  • Infrastructure:
    Investment in the north e.g roads and hotels
    New port at trelawney
  • Quality of life:
    In the north, Jamaicans have benefitted from the wealth
    There's still inequalities
  • Environment:
    The negril marin nature park attracts many tourists
    Ecotourism is expanding and locals are running small scale guesthouses
  • Paper 2