Evaluation (Economic aspect)

Cards (4)

  • Promoting economic development:
    • In 1906, the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce was set up to encourage agricultural, industrial and commercial development.
    • For instance, it set up agricultural schools to research and promote new agricultural methods.
    • Industrial promotion exhibition hall was set up to promote the products China made.
  • Stagnant economic growth:
    • Most factories owned by the Chinese were small in scale.
    • They could hardly compete with the foreign businessmen.
  • Promoting economic development:
    • State banks such as Ta-Ching Bank and private banks were opened to help enterprises raise capital.
    • Railways were also constructed to facilitate trading.
  • Stagnant economic growth:
    • In addition, the Qing government could not abolish the unequal treaties signed with foreign powers.
    • Imported foreign products benefitted from a low tariff rate.
    • This undermined the competitiveness of local products.
    • The Qing government was troubled with high foreign trade deficit.