Ecquitable remedies

Cards (25)

  • What are remedies?
    orders by the court
  • When are remedies used?
    where damages are insufficient and would not achieve justice
  • What are ecquitable remedies useful for?
    where the contract concerns something unique
  • When would ecquitable remedies not be used?
    for something general as damages would be more appropriate
  • What does ecquitable remedies allow for the innocent party?
    allows the party to make a new contract for the same thing with someone else
  • It is at the discretion of the court with no automatic right.
  • What are the 2 types of remedies?
    Specific performance and injunction
  • The remedy is not allowed to do what?
    cannot disadvantage or cause hardship to the other party
  • When will an order be granted?
    only if it brings the matter to an end as the court cannot supervise or review the contract later
  • What is specific performance?
    courts order one party to perfom their contractual obligation
  • What does specific performance do?
    forces the contract to be fulfilled
  • To what contracts does specfic performance apply?
    goods not services
  • Why is specific performance not allowed for services?
    because it would force the court to oversee performence and result in further hearings
  • Specific performance is only allowed if it doen't disadvantage or cause hardship to the party being forced to perform
  • What happened in Airport Industrial GP v heathrow Airport?
    forcing specific performance would have resulted in the company going into liquidation
  • What is an injunction?
    an order that instructs D not to breach the contract
  • What are the 2 types of injunction?
    prohibitory and mandatory
  • What is prohibitory injunction?
    orders the party to not do something
  • What is mandatory injunvtion?
    recquires a party to do something
  • Injunction is similar to specific performance
  • Why won't injunction apply to services?
    because it would recquire the court to oversee and be invovled
  • What does inunction must do?
    needs to bring the matter to an end
  • What happened in Page One Records v Britton?
    C sought to enforce a term for the reminder of 5 years through a prohibitory injunction but it failed as it would prevent D from working in this period
    not allowed to disadvanatge the party or put them into hardship
  • What is a case example of specific performance?
    Airport Industrial GP v Heathrow Airport
  • What is a case example of injunction?
    Page One Records v Britton