
Cards (22)

  • computer program - the instructions that enable computers to do something useful
  • HEX file - BBC microbit hexadecimal computer program
  • flashing - downloading a hex file to a BBC microbit
  • code - the instructions in a computer program
  • hexadecimal - base 16 number system
  • binary - base 2 number system
  • processor - carries out the instructions of a computer program
  • magnetometer - electronic sensor that detects direction (compass)
  • accelerometer - device or detecting motion (shaking.position)
  • LED matrix - gird of 25 LEDs (5 x 5) the microbit display 'screen'
  • iteration - repeating a section of code
  • string - a data-type, information that is stored as text
  • event - something that happens eg. button is pressed
  • sequence - programs run one instruction at a time in order from top to bottom
  • selection - when programs make decision also known as 'branching' (if, then, else, if else)
  • function - reusable block of instructions in a computer program with an identifier
  • variable - temporary storage of data in a computer
  • array - storage of multiple items of data in the same location and with the same identifier
  • sorting algorithm - computational method of putting data from a list into a specified order
  • antenna - converts electrical signals into radio waves, and vice-versa
  • input - a way to add an instruction into the microbit
  • LED - light emitting diode, a semiconductor diode that emits light when current flows through it