What was the plan for the revolt of the northern earls?
To build an army and get Elizabeth off of the throne then marry MQS and the Duke of Norfolk and become queen
How did power cause the revolt of the northern earls?
Northern Catholic nobles wanted more power and influence in court which they had lost to the southern Protestant nobles. They were also angry that the Council of the North which governed the North was controlled by southern Protestants
How did money cause the revolt of the northern earls?
The two earls had lost land which Elizabeth gave to the new southern Protestant families, and Elizabeth had claimed a copper mine on Northumberland's land in 1567
How did religion cause the revolt of the northern earls?
The north was a largely Catholic area and they were angered that the clergy was becoming more Protestant despite the religious settlement, and the Archbishop of Durham appointed in 1561 was Protestant
How did security cause the revolt of the northern earls?
The north was worried that there would be a civil war and new Protestant monarch when Elizabeth died which would lead to further loss
What happened during the revolt of the northern earls?
It began as a plan to marry the Duke of Norfolk and MQS but this was a royal duty and so they went behind Elizabeth's back
Mary told Spanish supporters she intended to be queen in 3 months suggesting a rebellion
Dudley heard about the plot and Norfolk was arrested
The earls raised an army and marched to Durham
They celebrated catholic mass in Durham Cathedral
The Earl of Sussex raised an army of 10000 to confront the rebels
The rebels were defeated near Tutbury
Westmorland fled to Scotland while Northumberland and 400 troops were executed
What was the impact of the revolt of the northern earls?
Elizabeth appointed her cousin Lord Huntington as the leader of the Council of the North to ensure loyalty
Elizabeth kept Mary in prison as she was shown to be a threat
Elizabeth strengthened laws to protect herself such as the Treason Act
Elizabeth attempted to improve foreign relations so other countries wouldn't get involved with rebels
When was the Ridolfi plot?
Who led the Ridolfi plot?
Roberto Ridolfi an Italian banker and spy for the Pope
What happened during the Ridolfi Plot?
Ridolfi wanted to replace Elizabeth with MQS
He also wanted Mary to marry the Duke of Norfolk
Ridolfi met with the Pope, Philip II and the Duke of Alba to try and secure support, bringing a letter from Norfolk declaring his Catholicism and support for Philip II
Cecil discovered the plot and used the letter to prove Norfolk's treason
Elizabeth signed Norfolk's death sentence but didn't sign Mary's despite Parliaments wishes
What did the Ridolfi Plot show?
That there was significant enemies abroad in Spain and the Papacy
When was the Throckmorton plot?
Who planned to invade England and put MQS on the throne in 1583?
The Duke of Guise, Mary's cousin
What happened during the Throckmorton Plot?
MQS's cousin planned to invade and put her on the throne
Philip II promised financial support and the Pope approved
Francis Throckmorton acted as a middleman and passed letters to Mary
Walsingham discovered the letters in Throckmorton's house and tortured him to confess, revealing the plot and a list of Catholic sympathisers in England
Throckmorton was executed
When was Francis Throckmorton executed?
May 1584
When was the Babington Plot?
What happened during the Babington Plot?
Anthony Babington aimed to assassinate Elizabeth and put MQS on the throne
Babington corresponded with Mary about the plot but his letters were intercepted by Walsingham's spies
Babington and co-conspirators were arrested, tortured and executed
Why was the Babington Plot significant?
It explicitly had the aim of killing Elizabeth
What did parliament pass in 1585 to protect Elizabeth against any future plots?
The Act for the Preservation of the Queen's Safety
What was stated under the Act for the Preservation of the Queen's Safety?
Action could only be taken against MQS if there was clear evidence, a commission established and a trial held
When did Elizabeth sign Mary's death warrant?
February 1587
Who was Sir Francis Walsingham?
Elizabeth's Secretary of State from 1573 and spymaster who uncovered the Throckmorton and Babington Plots using an extensive intelligence network throughout England and Europe
How did Walsingham help protect Elizabeth?
Ciphers- Walsingham used ciphers in his letters so they could not be understood if intercepted
Agent Provocateurs- He inserted his agents into dangerous groups to incite rebellion which could be used to arrest many plotters
Torture- He secured information from plotters by torturing them
Why were England and Spain allies during Mary I's reign?
Mary was married to Philip II of Spain
Why did France want England as an ally?
They were surrounded by Spanish territories and wanted a nearby ally
Why did Spain want England as an ally?
They wanted protection for their ships heading to the Netherlands
What was Philip attempting to wipe out in the Netherlands?
How many troops did the Duke of Alba have in the Netherlands?
How did Spain control trade in the New World?
You needed a permit to trade with the Spanish Colonies
What significant port did the Spanish control in the Netherlands?
When did Elizabeth seize Spanish ships loaded with gold bullion?
What did Philip II do in response to Elizabeth seizing Spanish gold from ships?
Banned English trade with the Netherlands
Which merchant and sailor was the second person to circumnavigate the globe?

Sir Francis Drake
When did Drake circumnavigate the globe?
1577 - 1580
What was a privateer?
A privately funded sailor who harassed Spanish ships and colonies
When was Drake knighted by Elizabeth?
What was the name of Drakes only ships to survive his circumnavigation?
The Golden Hind
How did Drake's actions affect relations with Spain?
Spain felt threatened by his success
Elizabeth's support and knighting of Drake insulted Philip whose ships Drake had attacked
Drake pillaged Spanish treasure in 1572 resulting in them not being able to pay their troops
Drake claimed land in North America naming it New Albion which defied the papal declaration giving all land in the Americas to Spain and Portugal